Wednesday, December 12, 2018

It’s ‘crazy’ rather than cold outside

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Politically correct madness shows up on a daily basis.  It’s enough to drive anybody crazy.  How much more can they come up with?
Over the last week, we heard from a professor in Minnesota about the story of the Immaculate Conception.   
As my Catholic friends know, December 8th is a “day of obligation” or one of “extra days” that we have to go to mass. Or as my mother used to say when we were kids:  “Misa o problema”.  It loosely translates to:  “You go to mass or you are in deep trouble with me and God.” In other words, this is a day that we Catholics take very seriously.
This is his version of what happened over 2,000 years ago:   
Dr. Eric Sprankle, a psychology professor and sex therapist at Minnesota State University, Mankato, has Satanist posts peppered throughout his social media feed.
On Monday, as Satanists frequently do, he criticized Christianity by pointing to the story about Jesus’s virgin birth, Campus Reform reports.
“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays,” Sprankle wrote on Twitter.
Merry Christmas to you, Professor Sprankle.  Thank you for joining the list of those on the left who always take cheap shots at Christian traditions.  Have you ever taken similar cheap shots at other religions?  It must be nice to live in a country where you can mock the religious beliefs of those who pay your salary and get away with it.
The other example is an old song that no one cared about until now — “Baby it’s Cold Outside”.   My grandmother never complained about it.  My mother did not either.  Suddenly, the song is just the latest example of how rotten men have treated women forever.
I like what Dean Martin’s daughter said about this:   
“I was absolutely flabbergasted,” said Deana about the recent controversy. “It’s just insane. When I heard it, I said, ‘This can’t possibly be.’ You know, it’s a sweet, flirty, fun holiday song that’s been around for 40 years for my dad. He did it in ’59. But when I saw it, I tweeted, ‘I think this is crazy. What do you think?’ And then all of a sudden, it went viral.”
Deana explained that like her, many fans of the longtime track were perplexed by the news over the holiday season.    
Insane indeed.
My message to the PC crowd is simple:  We don’t care about your opinions.  Keep it to yourself.  Let us believe what we believe or listen to the songs that we want to listen to.
Go away, PC crowd.  Go away.  
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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