President Trump kept another promise and reversed another one of President Obama’s bad deals: the “one-sided Cuba deal.”
Many people say this is President Trump paying back the Cubans who got him elected in Florida. I accept that political reality, but there was a lot for U.S. citizens, not just Cuban-Americans, to dislike about the change in policy President Obama announced in 2014.
Let’s talk about one of the big reasons to demand something from Cuba. Her name is Joanne Chesimard:
President Donald Trump’s call for Cuba to extradite convicted New Jersey cop killer Joanne Chesimard came after he and members of his administration had conversations with Gov. Chris Christie and U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez.Trump drew bipartisan praise from the Garden State when he singled out Chesimard on Friday during his speech rolling back former President Barack Obama’s Cuba policy.“To the Cuban government, I say: Put an end to the abuse of dissidents,” Trump said in Miami. “Release the political prisoners. Stop jailing innocent people. Open yourselves to political and economic freedoms. Return the fugitives from American justice — including the return of the cop-killer Joanne Chesimard.”
Who is this woman Mr. Trump mentioned:
Chesimard, who is on FBI’s list of the most wanted terrorists, now goes by the name Assata Olugbala Shakur. She has lived in Cuba since 1984 after escaping from prison. The Black Liberation Army member had been sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted in the killing of state Police Trooper Werner Foerster in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973.The FBI and the Office of the New Jersey State Attorney General have offered a combined $2 million for information leading to her arrest.
Joanne Chesimard did a lot more than just hide in Cuba. In fact, she attended most of Fidel Castro’s speeches as a VIP. She became the face of U.S. imperialism, racism, sexism, or whatever other “-ism” the left was peddling. She was taken care of by the regime as long as she made her usual attack against her country, such as the nonsense that she was a victim of racism, as she explains in this video.
So what’s wrong with demanding the return of this woman to New Jersey? Nothing, unless your name is President Obama and you were desperate to put the re-establishment of relations with Cuba on your résumé.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) (YouTube) and follow me on Twitter.
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