Wonder what journalism professors are saying about the media and Obama? Wonder how many are showing the SNL intro to their students?
Last week, ABC News actually asked Obama a question about his past. What happened?
The left wing blogs went nuts. That's to be expected! Obama is the left's man!
The media jumped on ABC News. I did not expect that. I thought that the media would stand by Charlie Gibson for actually asking Obama a question.
Let's change the story.
Would the media object if a reporter had asked McCain about his racist minister or his association with someone who bombed abortion clinics? Would they regard such activities as irrelevant to McCain's character?
Of course not.
The media would be 24/7 covering everyone of the minister's sermons and writing story after story about the man who bombed abortion clinics.
Of course, some media people are not in the tank for Obama.
This week, Politico had this story: Obama's secret weapon: The media By JOHN F. HARRIS & JIM VANDEHEI:
"The difference seems clear: Many journalists are not merely observers but participants in the Obama phenomenon."
"Bravo to ABC for finally asking a lot of questions many Americans have been talking about."
In the short run, all of this media bias is hurting Clinton because Obama has been given a free pass on so many things.
In the long run, Obama, and specially the media, will lose a lot.
Most Americans already think that the media has a liberal bias. (Americans See Liberal Media Bias on TV News)
It won't help the media's credibility to jump in the tank for Obama.