To be honest, I’d love to be a millionaire, too. Who wouldn’t love to sell thousands of books or get large amounts to express your opinion?
What a country! They don’t let you do that in Cuba or Venezuela or the old USSR where we hear that Bernie and wife spent their honeymoon. (By the way, we learned later that Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were there as part of his duties as Mayor of Burlington, VT.)
Unfortunately, this is not a story about a guy who started a business and created countless of jobs. This is the story of a man named Bernie Sanders:
Thanks in large part to his successful foray into authorship, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made more than $1 million in 2016. That’s according to his latest U.S. Senate financial disclosure, which he filed Sunday after receiving a 20-day extension.The most notable source of income: book royalties. Sanders received a $795,000 advance for his best-selling book, “Our Revolution.” He got another $63,750 for his forthcoming “Bernie Sanders’ Guide to Political Revolution,” a book aimed at young readers co-authored with Kate Waters. And he took in $6,735 in royalties for his 1997 memoir “Outsider in the House.”That’s more than $865,000 for peddling his working-class ideas. Not bad.Then there’s the $2,521 Sanders earned last year in royalties for his 1987 spoken-word folk album, We Shall Overcome.
Overcome what Mr. Sanders? Your hysterical hypocrisy?
Wonder if he opened an offshore account to protect his income from US tax laws?
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk), (YouTube) and follow me on Twitter.
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