They used to be funny and entertaining, such as Johnny Carson, or often serious and thoughtful, like Dick Cavett.
Today, the shows are so predictable that it’s Trump eight days a week!
First, there is Colbert and another “homophobic” joke about Putin-Trump:
“Biden’s the dummy?” said Colbert. “May I point out: Only one of you is sitting on Putin’s lap with his hand up your butt.”
Where is Senator Gillibrand when we really need her? Can you imagine a similar joke about President Obama telling the Russian envoy that he’d have more flexibility after the election? I don’t think so.
Second, the retired David Letterman had to keep his name in the conversation:
He used to be kind of like the boob of New York that pretended to be wealthy, or we thought was wealthy, and now he’s just a psychotic. Is that putting too fine a point on it?
Letterman knows Donald Trump because he had him on the show quite a bit. Yes, he had him on the show when he was a nice guy, or before he defeated Mrs. Clinton.
There are two rules in political humor: hit both sides, and don’t be political, because then you are funny only for the people who agree with you.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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