As we remember President Bush, let me share three times when I literally thanked God that this man was in office.
The first one was March 30 1981, the day of the assassination attempt against President Reagan. I was in Mexico City having lunch with a business associate. Back in the office, I got a call from my mother in Texas breaking the news. I tuned in my shortwave to Armed Forces Radio and got the news reports. We had an office TV with a cable connection to an NBC affiliate in South Texas.
We didn’t know if President Reagan would make it, but at least, I was confident that George Bush was ready to take over.
The second time was during the Gulf War. As you may remember, Iraq started to fire scud missiles against Israel. It was a scary moment because an Israeli retaliation would have probably messed up the coalition, i.e. Arab countries. President Bush picked up the phone and convinced Israel not to do it.
The third moment was the coup in the USSR against Gorbachev. I learned about it early the next morning and saw a photo on TV of President Bush on the phone. He then made a statement to the media and seemed totally in control of a very serious situation.
Yes, I know that President Bush was not perfect, specially when he broke that tax pledge. However, I was always felt safe when that man was in charge.
Thank you Bush-41!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).