What's the point of respecting and coming to the country legally?
See this:
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that allows illegal immigrant students to hold elected positions on California college boards as long as they qualify for in-state tuition.So what do you tell the person who came in legally? Or the person who respected the system and got a student visa? Or the many waiting to come legally to the US?
The bill, AB1887, was signed on Aug 24 and permits students, who are illegally residing in the United States, to “serve on any board or commission […] that relate to public elementary and secondary education and that includes members who are pupils or minors,” provided they are eligible for in-state tuition or are otherwise exempt from paying non-resident tuition.
It's sad when immigration laws don't really matter.
By the way, what law can I violate without consequence?
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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