The latest episode of “Borking” makes me as sick as the first one in 1987. Nevertheless, this is what Democrats do to win.
As the Kavanaugh episode unfolds, the story of Keith Ellison is largely unnoticed. As you may remember, there are some allegations against him. This is from a mid-August news report:
On Saturday night, the son of Ellison’s ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan wrote a lengthy Facebook post saying that he saw a video of Ellison grabbing his mother and swearing at her in a bedroom.This is the second time Ellison has been publicly accused of domestic violence. Another woman, Amy Louise Alexander, spoke out in 2006, going public with her account that Ellison verbally abused her while they were having an affair. She also said he grabbed and pushed her during an argument. Ellison denied even having a relationship with her.There are several similarities between the accounts: Both women were involved in Minnesota progressive politics, and they described Ellison losing his temper and using threats, verbal harassment, and violence.But unlike other cases in the #MeToo era, where media outlets, in many cases, have asserted that women endured sexual harassment, assault, or other abusive behavior, the media has been much more ambivalent about asserting whether the claims are reliable.
Ellison is entitled to justice. However, he is being accused by adults and there are witnesses on the record. In the Kavanaugh case, we have an incident that happened in the early 1980s.
What happens now? The GOP has to stick together and not allow Judge Kavanaugh to be destroyed like this. As far as the mid-terms, the GOP voter will be furious if the party cracks at this critical moment.
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