Thursday, August 22, 2013

President Obama's words mean nothing

(My new American Thinker post)

We don't know for sure whether chemical gas was used or not used on civilians in Syria.  We've seen the pictures but no one knows for sure whether it was the government or someone else.  Frankly, we just don't know.   

Check out Egypt where we've made everybody angry. We've seen those pictures too and it's not pretty, or "Close to the edge" as Thomas Friedman wrote.  

All of this is happening almost on the anniversary of the "red line" remark.   

And that's the problem!  Nobody cares, or is afraid, of Obama's words. Why should they?  

In all fairness, there are some very serious problems in the Middle East.  

We are not just dumping on Obama but he is the one who made the "red line" threats.  He is also the one who delivered "The Cairo Speech" and welcomed The Arab Spring.  And let's not forget that he was also the one who stood in the sidelines when people were being slaughtered in the streets of Tehran in the spring of '09!    

President Obama has another problem.  He can't get the UN to do a darn thing or cooperate with the US on tough issues like Syria and Egypt.   

The problem is compounded because Obama ran for president criticizing Bush and promising more cooperation with our allies.  

The bottom line is that the UN is not working with him anymore than they did with Clinton or Bush.   

They are still the same UN that would pass resolutions and not enforce them against Sadam Hussein.  Or, the same one that did nothing in Rwanda.  

So here we are.   

President Obama's words mean nothing and the UN is still a worthless organization.  The net result is that more innocent people will get killed in the Middle East.  

Sad to watch the devaluation of a president and the deaths in the Middle East.  Really sad to watch.

Tags:  President Obama, Egypt, Syria  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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