As you probably heard, Quaker Oats decided that white liberals just couldn’t take all of that white privilege and systematic racism anymore on their pancakes.
Wonder if Quaker Oats actually asked any African Americans about their decision?
Well, it turns out that Aunt Jemima’s family is not pleased with the move. This is from news reports:
Living in Forney, Vera Harris is the family historian for the Richard family of Hawkins, and could hardly believe a big part of their family legacy, the “Aunt Jemima” brand, was about to be erased from supermarket shelves.“A lot of people want it removed. We want the world to know that our cousin Lillian was one of the Aunt Jemima’s and she made an honest living. We would ask that you reconsider just wiping all that away. There wasn’t a lot of jobs, especially for black women back in that time. She was discovered by Quaker Oats to be their brand person,” Harris said.Lillian Richard became a goodwill ambassador for Quaker Oats, and for decades, portrayed Aunt Jemima all over Texas.“She made an honest living out of it for a number of years. She toured around Texas,” Harris said.In the Fouke community just outside Hawkins is a historic marker dedicated to Lillian Richard, who is recognized as one of several women who portrayed Aunt Jemima.
Making an honest living? Wonder how many of those “white liberals” destroying statues of Catholic saints and abolitionists have a clue of what that means.
By the way, the story points out the family does not want military bases renamed because many of their relatives are veterans.
Am I the only one who thinks that there is a silent black majority out there sick and tired of white liberals canceling everything and assuming that they know what blacks think?
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