Senator Joe Manchin represents super-red West Virginia but he can’t stand up to Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Senator Jon Tester represents Montana, but he votes like he is an automatic “yes” for anything liberal that comes to the Senate floor.
Both men voted with their party to kill the Senate bill.
Why? I am not sure about Tester, but Manchin said that he wanted to see more hospitals.
The bill did not die for lack of money to hospitals or support for workers or businesses. Instead, it was a laundry list of liberal ideas that Nancy Pelosi and Democrats did not pass when they had majorities.
This is a list of some of the items that Pelosi proposed:
“…..mandatory diversity reports on corporate boards, requiring same-day voter registration in all 50 states, a bailout of the U.S. Postal Service, establishing a $15-an-hour minimum wage, and new environmental regulations for airlines.”
Do you believe this?
I expect anything from Pelosi, especially after she cracked over impeachment and let the left force it on the country.
At the same time, I expected more from the so-called “moderates” from Montana and West Virginia.
Moral of the story: they run as moderates but they follow the party line when they land in Washington.
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