Friday, March 27, 2020

Cuban-American, Dancing On The Hyphen by Amarilys Gacio Rassler

Image result for amarilys cuban american on the hyphen
The Cuban American experience is very unique.  Like Amarilys, I am part of that generation that came here as kids, grew up in the US and has been going back and forth between two neat cultures.

In this book, you will meet Amarilys' family, grandfather, her love of cooking and our Cuban American story.

I should add that Amarilys was a "Pedro Pan" kid, or one of the 14,000 unaccompanied children who came to the US in the early 1960s.  She connected with her parents a few years later.

This is a great book for a long weekend, specially if you are looking for something uplifting in this rather negative world.

Please check out this book.   Here is the link to get it!

 You will enjoy it a lot.

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