A few months ago, I was interviewed on Telemundo and asked to rate the Trump presidency. I gave him good marks on leadership, the U.S. economy, and the judges.
Yes, the judges are what will become President Trump’s lasting legacy.
Thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the number keeps growing:
Four federal district court judges were successfully confirmed on Tuesday and another nine were confirmed the following day.Of the 13 total confirmations, three judges — Karin Immergut in the District of Oregon, John Milton Younge in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and Mary Rowland in the Northern District of Illinois — were passed by voice votes.The latest round of confirmations solely focused on U.S. district court judges — thereby representing a pivot from McConnell’s prior focus on filling circuit court vacancies.Republicans had initially hoped to push through 19 of Trump’s judicial picks before senators went back to their home states for the month-long August recess.The Senate has confirmed more than 130 of Trump’s judicial nominees since the president was sworn into office, including U.S. Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
For my money, this is the best part of the Trump presidency.
For years, I have voted for the GOP presidential candidate anticipating the appointment of such judges. For the most part, GOP presidents have made an effort and succeeded. However, President Trump has taken all of this to a new level and I am super grateful.
Another reason to support his reelection! Another four years of President Trump will mean that the number of judges will keep growing.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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