We try to stay in touch with Mexico. This week, we saw a couple of articles that should worry the Mexican middle class.
First, Presidente López-Obrador is making investors a bit weary, according to Richard Castillo via Pulse News Mexico:
Fear does not ride on a burro; it flies at the speed of sound!And spreading fear of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) economic policies seems to be the leading reason that Mexico’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has slumped markedly to the point of reaching a minimal growth of 0.1 percent for the next quarter of 2019.
Based on the article, it appears that some major corporations are having second thoughts about investing or following up with their promises to invest.
Why? Can you say AMLO, or the initials for Mexico’s president?
It appears that AMLO’s chief of staff is picking up on the message. He just tweeted that AMLO’s team understands the role of investment in the nation’s economy.
The business community is not staying quiet. Gustavo de Hoyos, leader of COPARMEX, or a leading group of businessmen and industrialsts, is promising to launch an “alternate plan” to defend investors from the “populist” AMLO.
Well done Mr. de Hoyos!
Maybe my memory is bad, but I don’t recall seeing that before, or a major industrial leader challenging the president’s populism.
The other story is about Mexico’s public schools and the growing influence of leftist teachers’ union. This is from Mamela Fiallo Flor, a fellow Cuban who has seen this movie before:
The National Coordination of Education Workers (CNTE) will provide textbooks to hundreds of thousands of Mexican children in 6,000 schools and indoctrinate them with communist propaganda. The material ranges from Karl Marx to the link between Mexico and Cuban communism since the yacht called Granma that transported Che Guevara, and the Castro brothers sailed from its shores.
The new curriculum will attack the Spanish conquest and praise the Sandinista revolution. I wonder if we will read anything about Daniel Ortega’s lifestyle or the Castro millions. Probably not.
Frankly, I’m a lot more concerned about the economic story than the public schools. Most Mexicans do whatever they can to keep their children out of public schools.
Who would have believed all of this a year ago? How about the many of us who were deeply concerned with the election of a populist leftist in Mexico?
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