Saturday, April 27, 2019

Impeachment, the census plus VP Biden and Senator Harris

Impeachment is not going anywhere:  “ABC/WaPo Poll: Support For Impeachment Drops To 37%“.

It makes sense to me because voters understand what impeachment means:

First, it will freeze the US House and nothing will get done about the border chaos or health care.  The Democrats seeking reelection in competitive districts next year can not afford that.  They need to go back and say that they passed something rather than just investigate President Trump; and,

Second, it will be very diffciult to write articles of impeachment without a crime or to get a conviction in the US Senate.

\Will the angry left force the House Democrats to start impeachment?  I don’t know but they will make a lot of noise.

On another front, Senator Kamala Harris is apparently a gun owner.  She said in Iowa that she owned a gun “for personal safety.”

So what’s the big deal?  She is a Democrat and has been pandering to the left about gun control.

On the census,  I’ve always been very proud to say that I am a citizen of the US.

After all, this wonderful country opened its doors and gave me a chance to realize my potential.

My life would have been very different if I stayed in Cuba. I learn this everytime that I talk to someone from the island.

The Supreme Court is looking into whether or not the citizenship question should be asked as part of the census.


Put me down with the 73%.  What’s the issue?  Why shouldn’t we ask such a question?

Finally, our favorite line of the day comes from VP Biden, now running for president: “The thing I’m proudest of… not one single whisper of scandal.

My guess is that the upcoming IG report may amend VP Biden’s memory.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Impeachment, the census and citizenship, VP Biden, Senator Harris and guns To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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