The left is in total meltdown mode over President elect Bolsonaro in Brazil. He is suddenly a threat to everything, or something like that.
The latest is that he will destroy the Amazon, as we see in this report from the BBC.
The "experts" are saying that the Bolsonaro administration plans to destroy the "rain forest", a rather hysterical accusation to say the least. After all, how can one presidency destroy the Amazon rain forest? Have you seen the size of the Amazon area?
The left is also in panic because Mr. Bolsonaro mentioned getting out of The Paris Climate Change Accords. He said that the accord is hurting Brazil's interests.
A day ago, Mr. Bolsonaro backed off his remarks and will not pull out of the accords after all. Nevertheless, the left is afraid that he may revisit this topic later.
The sad truth is that the left does not understand why Mr. Bolsonaro was elected. It had nothing to do with the Amazon rain forest or other left wing pet issues.
He was elected because Brazilians were sick and tired of their political class and unsafe streets.
Simply put, the international left is obsessed with "climate change". The voters in Brazil want safe streets.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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