In case you missed it, former President Obama broke tradition and really got partisan in 2018. I don’t remember any president doing that. We have two former presidents in Texas and they stay out of politics altogether.
On election night, I made it a point to follow those races and see about the Obama factor. In terms of votes, Obama was not much of a factor.
It’s obvious to any Democrat that inviting Obama will add little to your chances to win elections.
It’s obvious because the voters are seeing the economy and comparing it with President Obama. Take a look at what they are projecting for the Christmas season:
Christmas holiday retail sales in the U.S. are expected to climb above the $1 trillion mark for the first time this year, on the back of low unemployment, solid income growth and higher consumer confidence, according to a study released Tuesday.Total retail sales in the U.S. will hit $1.002 trillion during the holiday period — which it defines as spanning November 1 and December 31 this year — an increase of almost 6 percent from the previous year, marking the “strongest growth since 2011,” data from market research firm eMarketer showed.
The voters can see that difference. They feel the economic enthusiasm. They don’t want to hear that it started under the Obama administration. And they are probably tired of hearing him talk so much about himself.
My message to President Obama is to get over himself and start acting like a former president. We have a beautiful tradition in the U.S. that former presidents walk off the stage and don’t come back.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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