They don’t call it Trump Derangement Syndrome for nothing. Frankly, I didn’t think that the derangement extended to the First Lady. Wonder when we will see a “breaking story” based on sources close to the family that their young son wants to join the anti-NRA march?
Once again, we see how President Trump is lucky to have such enemies. They hate him so much that they will believe anything that makes President Trump look bad.
In the meantime, the anti-Trumpies look silly and the First Lady looks great, as Lauren DeBellis Appell wrote:
One has to look no further than a newly released CNN poll — of all places – for confirmation that the understated Melania Trump, who often avoids the spotlight, has connected with the American people in a big way. According to the poll, Mrs. Trump’s favorability numbers have jumped 10 points to 57 percent since January.This is the highest favorability rating Mrs. Trump has ever received in any CNN poll.Perhaps one of the reasons Mrs. Trump has been so reluctant to put herself in the spotlight during her first year in the White House is because the media have worked overtime criticizing her — from the size of her heels to her Christmas decorations. The visceral contempt the elite media visit hourly upon the president has repeatedly and childishly spilled over onto his wife.
Well done, Mrs. Trump. My guess is that most Americans know that a First Lady is a wife and mother first. This is why most First Ladies get generally good ratings. It’s an instinctive recognition that it must be hard to be the wife of the president.
Memo to the anti-Trump brigade: you are barking up the wrong tree when you get hysterical about his wife. We can have honest disagreements about President Trump style or policies. It does the Democrats no good to get hysterical about Melania, too.
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