Here come the lawyers, as we see in The Miami Herald:
Several U.S victims of alleged “health attacks” in Cuba have hired a lawyer out of concern over how the U.S. government will handle their long-term medical treatment.“That’s not at all clear,” said lawyer Mark Zaid, who represents eight of the at least 24 U.S. diplomats, intelligence officers and relatives affected by the incidents in Havana.“Some already had to spend their own money” on treatment, he added, mostly because of State Department bureaucratic regulations, presumably designed to save money.“For example if you have an appointment at 3 p.m. at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and a follow-up visit the next day, the rules say that you have to drive or take the train (home) and return the next day,” he said. “That’s ridiculous.”
I can understand the diplomats’ reaction if they’ve spent their own money. After all, they were working on diplomatic assignments.
No matter what, the US should take care of the diplomats and continue to investigate the incident. It’s hard to believe that these sonic attacks just happened out of the blue and targeted only US diplomats.
We will learn more over the next few months.
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