What was President Obama thinking when he made it possible for Oscar López-Rivera to walk out of prison? We posted about this in January.
What were they thinking in New York when they celebrated his release in the annual Puerto Rico parade?
Let’s get the story:
Outraged Hispanic police groups are boycotting the Puerto Rican Day Parade next month because the event will celebrate a pardoned terrorist linked to one of the deadliest groups ever to target New York.The NYPD Hispanic Society and the Rafael Ramos Foundation have pulled out of the June 11 Fifth Avenue march after it was announced that former FALN kingpin Oscar Lòpez Rivera will be honored as a “National Freedom Hero” at the event.Rivera, 74, had his 70-year sentence commuted by outgoing President Barack Obama in January. He had spent nearly 36 years in prison on conspiracy charges for his ties to the Puerto Rican nationalist group, which was responsible for more than 100 bombings in the 1970s and ’80s – including a 1982 blast at NYPD headquarters that left an officer maimed and a 1975 attack that killed four at Fraunces Tavern in the Financial District.
Some sponsors have pulled out. Goya Foods, one of the great Hispanic business success stories, pulled out. They refused to contribute $200,000, according to news reports.
It raises the question: what were the organizers of the parade thinking? How do you offend police officers this way?
This is another example of the left’s moral bankruptcy. Leftists will go crazy when some kid dresses up as a taco for Halloween or salutes a Confederate statue but have no trouble honoring a criminal like López-Rivera.
It’s nice to see that some people know the difference between a terrorist and a man wrongfully imprisoned.
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