Friday, May 19, 2017

Jose Marti would say NO to shaking hands with the Castro regime

We celebrate Jose Marti's death.  It's an important date for most Cubans.

How do we remember Jose Marti or live up to his ideals?

You can do two things.

First, you can support Cuban bloggers and dissidents.  They are persecuted by the Castro dictatorship for posting their thoughts online. (Clipping Castro one blog at a time)

Second, don't legitimize the Castro brothers by treating them like elected leaders or representatives of the Cuban people.    They don't deserve it.

Like always, MARY ANASTASIA O'GRADY is right on target.

She recently wrote Cuba Doesn't Belong in a Democratic Club :
"The Cuban regime is at odds with these ideals and in January 1962 the OAS expelled it, resolving:
"That adherence by any member of the Organization of American states to Marxism-Leninism is incompatible with the inter-American system and the alignment of such a government with the communist bloc breaks the unity and solidarity of the hemisphere."
In other words, because the Castro government had murdered and imprisoned dissidents, done away with free elections and economic and civil liberties, and allied itself with communism, Cuba was deemed unfit for OAS membership."
It's sad.

On one hand, we hear Latin leaders complain that no one takes them seriously. On the other hand, they pander to their leftist populations by embracing the Castro brothers.

Wouldn't it be nice if Latin leaders demanded the release of Cuban political prisoners, a free press and open elections?

Sitting down with dictators like Fidel and Raul Castro?  Jose Martin would say no! 

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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