Thursday, March 09, 2017

Will we see any women today supporting “Las damas en blanco”

We had “a day without immigrants”. It did not change anything except the poor souls who lost their jobs.   After all, employers can not afford to be without employees. Employers, unlike march organizers, live in the real world of deadlines and invoices.
Today, we have “a day without women”, an idea based on International Woman’s Day.
We know why “Las damas” march in Cuba. They want freedom and their men released from prison.
What exactly are these women in the US protesting about?
In Virginia, a school district shut down classes today.    Why? The answer is that some teachers decided to put political protest over their jobs. Wonder who is explaining that to the working moms who can’t drop off their children at school today?
What specifically is the protest about?  Well, Amanda Carpenter has a few thoughts:

No specific requests are apparent.
All the organizing material is bathed in vague blather about raising awareness without asking for any specific reforms.
Unlike this month’s “Bodega strike,” in which immigrant businesses closed their doors in objection to Trump’s travel ban, or #GrabYourWallet, which seeks to protest the Trump family’s conflicts of interest, or even January’s “Women’s March on Washington,” which was at least reacting to President Donald Trump’s inauguration and history of sexist comments, “A Day Without A Woman” is a protest without a point.
If women are going to put thousands of children out of school and consider grinding the American economy to a halt, they at least ought to have a good, clear reason to do so.
This is about abortion rights, left wing causes and peddling the lie that men make more money than women, an absolute insane proposition that does not take into consideration the realities of the labor force.   See Karin Agness, a woman who blows up this nonsense about pay equity.
At the same time, is anyone protesting for the rights of little girls who will be aborted today?  These little girls will never be born or get to participate in any political parade or vote for a woman running for president.
Or what about the women in the Middle East, or the countries that flooded The Clinton Foundation with cash?   or the way women are treated in other countries like China?
Will anyone remember the women of Cuba?   “Las damas en blanco” are real women under siege by an inhumane regime.
Sadly, today’s marches are about protesting for the sake of protesting, a sad reflection on the corrupt state of feminism in the US.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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