On Friday night, I was wondering if the GOP was the infamous gang that can’t shoot straight.
Today, I feel a bit better. Don’t get me wrong: Speaker Ryan fumbled in several ways, from setting an artificial deadline to writing a bill for the Senate rather than the House. They should have passed a simple repeal and let the senators deal with it.
Let me give you a couple of reasons for a my optimism today:
First, the Democrats reacted to Friday’s vote by calling on their leadership to go for single-payer. In other words, the Democrats have put Senator Schumer and Representative Pelosi in an impossible position. They want single-payer, but you can forget about that in this Congress or any in the foreseeable future. The party’s base is in no mood to “repair.”
It would have been wiser for Democrats to join some kind of bipartisan repair effort with Speaker Ryan’s bill. They blew that chance and now are stuck with their wild-left base again demanding the impossible.
Second, the media’s reaction was so overblown that you would have thought that it Game 7 of the World Series. My friend Barry Casselman has a few sobering thoughts:
The recent effort by Speaker Ryan was a short-term failure, but by no credible means the “disaster” now being heralded in the hostile establishment media.In fact, it might have been a political blessing in disguise for both the speaker and the White House if they use the occasion to continue their legislative program efforts more realistically and more effectively.
It’s not Trump’s “Bay of Pigs,” and he has time to recover. It’s not that bad, especially if they can score quickly on other topics. By the way, it was smart of Attorney General Sessions to come out and change the subject with a statement about sanctuary cities.
In the end, maybe Speaker Ryan, and President Trump, got caught up in this hysterical “100 days” media deadline.
Also, they let the Democrats, and their allies in the media, mislead the country about the legislation.
So go back to square 1 and take the time – i.e., you’ve got time to do all of this! I voted for Trump not thinking he’d be done with everything before Easter Sunday!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
The politics of Washington with Barry Casselman, The Prairie Editor…..Listen in now at https://t.co/wxSrnfKyBd. #BlogTalkRadio— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) March 27, 2017
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/03/another_thought_about_canceling_that_vote_on_friday.html#ixzz4ccWsYfve
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Tags: The House and the Obama Care vote To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!