Wednesday, August 16, 2023

One more indictment and he's got five like Nolan Ryan

 (My new American Thinker post)

President Trump has four indictments and the next one will give him five, like Nolan Ryan who's got five no-hitters.  We need a little humor, because the state of the county is depressing.

We got another Democrat pushing an indictment against the former President. And the political needle stays the same.  This is the story:

Fox News interviewed several Trump rally-goers in New Hampshire last week, who said they would continue supporting the former president.

“Even if he’s in jail, I will vote for him,” Al from Florida told Fox News. “He’s being indicted because of political reasons. It’s a political game they’re playing, and it’s not right. They’re going to keep on doing it until they get him out of the picture. And he’s a strong survivor.”  Fox News asked Joanne, a resident of Massachusetts and Florida, whether she still plans on voting for Trump despite the former president being engulfed in a series of investigations. “I sure do,” Joanne responded, adding that Trump keeps getting “stronger and stronger” with every indictment.

“They want him out of the picture. He is too threatening to the other party, and he uncovers a lot of things that should not be exposed, and that should be exposed. And I feel as though the other party is covering up a lot,” Joanne added.

Jim, a resident of New Hampshire, said he’s much more likely to vote for Trump because of the indictments. “It’s just so obvious what’s going on that it’s just impossible not to see it. It’s just too much. They came on with too much, stuff that nobody else in the world would even be reprimanded for. They’re indicting him,” he said.

The numbers support that the needle is not changing: The RCP average is a tie.  

I guess that many Americans can see bad faith when they see it. The over-the-top tactics are causing fair-minded Americans to wonder about the weaponization of justice.  

Voters also see higher gasoline prices and fight inflation when they open their wallets. It was not always that way.

Where is the fifth indictment coming from? I don't know, but they will find some way of working up another indictment. It's what they do, and the country is paying a big price for this fanatical pursuit of Pres. Trump.  

Let the voters decide about the next president and let the DAs protect their citizens from the criminals running freely in the streets.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

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