Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Down goes Biden

 (My new American Thinker post)

"Down goes Anderson" has gone viral or Cleveland's Tom Hamilton on the radio call of the fight between Tim Anderson and Jorge Ramirez.  

Over on the political arena, down sort of goes Biden. This is the story:    

A federal appeals court on Monday halted a rule from President Joe Biden's administration that could make it easier to obtain student loan debt relief for borrowers who say they were victims of misleading information about the quality of education they would receive.

At issue is a rule broadening existing policy ending the debt of students who borrowed money to attend colleges and universities that are determined to have misled them on matters such as whether their courses would actually prepare them for employment in their field or the likely salary they would earn upon obtaining a degree.

A college misleading a student about the salary they would earn?  I don't get that one.  

I remember telling my sons to get a degree and remember that there are no economic guarantees out in the real world.  Get ready and expect the unexpected because it usually works that way. Work hard, keep your eye on the ball and you will probably succeed.

According to the news story, the Biden rules are so vague that they give the administration the power to grant universal debt relief. Who gave the President such powers? Don't we have enough government assistance programs already?  

Maybe we should tell college students to major in something that makes you attractive to an employer running a business.  I remember the CEO of a company telling me that he asks job applicants a couple of questions:  How can you help me make a better product?  Or sell more of them?  Or help me get customers to pay on time? I don't think that they cover those realities of life in gender studies!

We're back to square one: Down goes Biden, who does not have the authority to do this.  However, expect him to come back with a variation of this theme because they need to mobilize the college vote.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

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