Friday, March 10, 2023

International 'Men dressed like Women' Day

 (My new American Thinker post)

Another International Woman's Day and another day to remember men?   The Biden White House did it again.  Let's look at the story

First lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were slammed Wednesday for presenting a biological male from Argentina with an award for women on International Women's Day.

This year's annual International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the White House honored "11 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to build a brighter future for all," according to a State Department press release.

Argentinian Alba Rueda was introduced at the ceremony as a "transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred for sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence, and rejected by her family. But in the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQ plus community in Argentina." 

Rueda currently serves as Argentina’s Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship. The State Department said Rueda had "actively campaigned to change the name of the National Women’s Conference to the ‘Plurinational Conference of Women and Lesbian, Cross-Dresser, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-Binary Persons' to include diverse, dissident, and racialized identities.’"

I guess that Alba the man clicks all the identity boxes. Who knew that the country that gave us tango would give us this madness?

So that's what International Woman's Day has become? Talk about weirdness!  

In the meantime, biological women are fighting oppression in Iran and Afghanistan.  They feel neglected and forgotten by Western feminists who are more into "woke" than women fighting for their rights.  Maybe men in those countries should dress up as women, shave their beard, do their nails and march for opportunity.  Maybe the West will finally pay attention to what's going on.

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