Sunday, June 13, 2021

The left is going “loco” over Abbott’s border wall

Who knew that the Hispanic left would go “loco” over a building a border wall?

Down in Texas, Governor Abbott announced plans to build a wall. This is the story:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced his state has allocated $1 billion in its fiscal year budget toward border security, telling “The Ingraham Angle” on Thursday he will use part of that money to resume the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wallstarted by Donald Trump but hastily halted by President Biden.

Abbott, joining the program from the border near Del Rio, said he has had enough of the White House’s “willful” disregard for rule of law and for the well-being of Texans and Americans, especially those in places like Del Rio and other border towns.

“To make a fine point on it, we have to build a border wall,” said Abbott. “I’ve been down here talking to the people in the Rio Grande Valley and the way they are being overrun is reprehensible, it’s disastrous what the Biden administration has done.”

And the punches start!

Governor Abbott is frustrated with the Biden administration’s total disregard for border enforcement or immigration laws. He is taking action and it won’t be long before the left refers to him as “The Austin Stalin.”

Can Texas build a wall? We will wait for the details. As I hear, the wall will be built with the consent of ranchers rather than some kind of eminent domain. Also, the people who jump will be charged with trespassing not violating federal immigration law.

What happens when the federal government refuses to do its job and puts border states in this predicament? This is the question that many in Texas are asking.

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