Sunday, March 09, 2025

"'World War II: the War that Made Our World" with Barry Jacobsen


'World War Two, the War that Made Our World' Episode One 05/20 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics Podcasts:

Guest: Barry Jacobsen, military historian and blogger......this is our World War II series...........'World War Two, the War that Made Our World Episode One: 'From Out of the Ashes, The Rise of Communism and Fascism'................the end of World War I left many unsettled issues in Europe.......also, the German economy collapsed and that opened the door for Hitler........the collapse of the Czars in Russia created the communist state or the USSR............ and other stories of the week.... .

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Listen to ""World War Two, the War that Made Our World" Episode One" on Spreaker.