Another blue-state Democrat is in the race. I guess that he will sound just like the others and blame President Trump for all of the problems in the world.
We are talking about Deval Patrick, the former governor of Massachusetts.
Patrick may find a hostile stage of fellow Democrats, specially when one of his previous employers comes into the conversation.
This is an example of what he may hear from Markos Moullitsas:
We knocked Romney for working at Bain Capital, Deval Patrick doesn’t get a pass for doing the same.
The “beef” against Bain Capital is that it represents “vulture capitalism,” another silly slogan promoted by the left.
Like others, Bain Capital dismantled companies in trouble and downsized their operations. It usually created a leaner company by laying off people.
To be honest, I’d probably been angry at Bain Capital if my job had been downsized. At the same time, it is realistic that laying off people can turn a company around.
So what happens to Patrick now? He may create some excitement in the black community because of his close association to President Obama.
Unfortunately for Patrick, and Democrats, he is not going to propose anything new. He has to sing to the choir, and this choir is way to the left.
So he’ll get a lot of publicity for now and fade quickly.
By the way, Bain Capital just removed Patrick from their website.
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