Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Cuomo goes left New Yorkers go out

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Not surprisingly, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York reminded everyone that he is a man from the left.  This is what he said as he started a third term:
The promise that attracted 5,000 people a day from across the globe to come to this sacred place through this historic portal on Ellis Island is not a faded memory of yesterday, but a shining beacon for a better tomorrow.
Nowhere to be found in Cuomo’s energetic homily was the word “legal,” an omission clearly calculated to obscure the distinction between controlled lawful immigration – Ellis Island as iconic portal to America – and the unremitting border-dashing that has made immigration an incandescent political and social issue.
Let me recommend to Governor Cuomo that he watch the Ellis Island scene in Godfather 2.  My guess is that U.S.-Mexico border agents would love to have the orderly process that those new arrivals had to go through.
As Governor Cuomo runs left, we learned that fewer and fewer New Yorkers were around to hear the speech.  According to news reports, New Yorkers want out:
New York’s population continues to decline faster than any other state, according to new data released Wednesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The report found New York was just one of nine states to see a decrease in population, losing an estimated 48,510 residents between July 1, 2017, and July 1, 2018.
That’s more than any state.
Illinois saw the second largest population loss of 45,116.
So why are they leaving?
It’s not the weather.  Yes, New York has bad winters, but nobody leaves for that reason.
The real reason is taxes and more taxes.
And I would not discount the impact of blue state governors and mayors who defend sanctuary cities in total disregard for the rule of law.  Many of these “blue cities” are chaotic, with lousy public schools and serious crime.
So Cuomo is in for a third term and establishing his liberal credentials.  At the same time, more and more Yankee fans are watching their favorite team in Houston, Dallas, or Tampa.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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