Wednesday, August 04, 2021

What can we learn from the old "brasero" program?

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On this in 1942, the US and Mexico signed  The Mexican Farm Labor Agreement.   

In 1953, Pres. Eisenhower expanded the "brasero program" because thousands of Mexicans were crossing over and working illegally in the post-war housing boom in the Southwest.

It was killed in 1965 by President Johnson. Looking back, President Johnson made a huge mistake to please the labor unions, as John Fund wrote years ago:

"I've written before about how President Eisenhower's Bracero guest-worker program reduced arrests of illegal aliens at the border from over a million in 1954 to only 45,000 by 1959. 
The number of arrests remained under 100,000 a year until 1964, when President Lyndon Johnson ended the program under pressure from labor unions."
The "brasero" program worked for two reasons:

1) It established a legal framework for hiring Mexican workers; and,

2) It understood that most Mexicans just wanted to come here to work. They just wanted an opportunity to work, make some dollars and go back home.

Let's revive a modern version of "brasero". Give people a chance to come here, work and go back to Mexico with a pocketful of dollars!

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