A post from January 2007:
Do you have any friends in Venezuela? My family does and there is a lot of concern about Hugo Chavez' latest act. See Collapsing Venezuela By Richard W. Rahn:
"If Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez deliberately intended to sabotage his nation's economy, he would be hard-pressed to do anything different from what he is now doing to his country."
It is frightening to read what Hugo Chavez is doing to buy influence in other countries:
"Where has all the money gone? It has gone to buy foreign political influence and loyalties in places like Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and even the United States (notably to subsidize some New England fuel oil consumers through a company controlled by members of the Kennedy family). The money has gone to buy weapons from Russia, Spain and elsewhere, endearing those countries to Mr. Chavez. The money has gone to local cronies for inflated infrastructure and economic development projects and to buy the loyalty of government officials and supporters, including judges."
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