Let’s take a step back from electors and politics and get an update on a very special person.
We learned that baseball great Rod Carew underwent a successful heart transplant surgery this weekend:
The entire Minnesota Twins family is happy to report thatRod Carew had a successful heart and kidney transplant surgery today at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and is expected to make a full recovery. After a 13-hour procedure that started shortly after midnight Pacific time, Rod is resting in recovery. We ask that all of Twins Territory and the entire baseball community keep Rod, his wife Rhonda, and the entire Carew family in your thoughts and prayers as Rod recovers.”The 71-year-old Carew suffered a heart attack on September 20, 2015 and shortly thereafter had a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implanted in his heart, which was a temporary solution to keep his heart pacing.
Many of us remember Carew from his baseball days. In fact, I had the opportunity to meet him many years ago along with Tony Cuba, the great Cuban three-time batting champ. Oliva and Carew were roommates with the Twins many years ago.
Carew was born in the U.S. Canal Zone in Panama and grew up in New York. He went to George Washington High School.
This is the same high school that gave us Harry Belafonte, the entertainer; Alan Greenspan, the Fed chairman; Jacob Javits, the U.S. senator; Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state; and Manny Ramírez, another pretty good hitter, too. I wonder what these guys talk about when they go to a homecoming dance!
As a player, Carew hit .328 over 19 seasons. He won seven batting titles, including six over seven seasons.
Today, Rod Carew faces the toughest at bat of his life. We hope he recovers and puts all these health problems behind him.
Good luck, Rod Carew. We are praying for your quick recovery.
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