This is so crazy that I am speechless. It appears that our young people, known as millennials these days, are completely ignorant of communism. Let me show you this from Market Watch:
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, citing survey results released on Monday, blames widespread ignorance for the relatively positive views millennials have toward socialism and communism.Of the 2,300 Americans polled by YouGov, 80% of baby boomers and 91% of the elderly agree with the statement that “communism was and still is a problem” in the world today. Millennials? Only 55%.
The insanity continues with many millennials believing that President George W. Bush killed more people than Stalin. Incredibly, Stalin was known as “The butcher of Ukraine” to many Russians who actually know the history of the 20th century.
What an indictment of our educational system. What are we teaching our young people about an ideology that killed millions of people in the 20th century?
It is also further proof that our schools are too caught up in political correctness, or even moral equivalency. It is one thing to teach history, such as the Soviet revolution or Mao’s Long March or the Cuban Missile Crisis, but it’s quite another to compare Lenin to George Washington.
In other words, there are good and bad guys in history. And there is nothing wrong with millennials hearing that we are the good guys and the communists are not. It is our absence to say these things that has a bunch of millennials confused about the real history.
My mother, who came here from Cuba with my late father, is furious to hear that millennials are so ignorant. She has offered to tutor them for free with real human stories about communism.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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