Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Country Does Not Need Another Holder

My guess is that President Obama is already looking at some names to replace AG Holder.  

I don't expect him to nominate a conservative, but another activist liberal is not what the country needs.  We need an attorney general who is not flashy, not much of an activist, but one who understands that he must uphold the laws of the country.

Frankly, AG Holder was divisive and toxic, as Ilya Shapiro wrote:
Eric Holder’s tenure marked one of the most divisive and partisan eras of the Justice Department.  From his involvement in the bizarre guns-to-gangs operation (“Fast & Furious”), for which he has been cited for contempt by the House and referred to a federal prosecutor (which referral went nowhere due to invocations of executive privilege), to his refusal to recognize the separation of powers — enabling President Obama’s executive abuses — he politicized an already overly political Justice Department.
My biggest disappointment was that the Obama-Holder team played the race card to address immigration and voter ID laws:
For example, he sued fire and police departments to enforce hiring quotas and inflamed social tensions with his pronouncements on Stand Your Ground laws. He blamed banks for not lending enough to members of racial minority groups and other banks for “predatory lending” that led to disproportionate bankruptcies among those same groups. Ironically, he’s even challenged school choice programs, which overwhelmingly help poor black kids acquire better educations.
It was pathetic, and it divided the country in so many ways.  His disregard for 300 dead Mexicans over Fast & Furious was stunning.  His demagoguery over the Arizona immigration law and voter ID laws was sick.   

I wish Mr. Holder a good life and time to write his memoirs.  I won't miss him, because he was President Obama's attorney rather than the nation's.

Let's hope that President Obama does not nominate Mr. Holder to the Supreme Court.  It will be the most contentious nomination in recent memory, especially when he tries to explain the administration's disregard for laws passed by Congress.

P.S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

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