Thursday, August 02, 2012

Be careful with polls that over sample Democrats

There are two kinds of polls:  honest and dishonest.  In other words, some pollsters are better than others.

We have another round of polls showing Pres BO ahead  of Gov Romney.  Unfortunately, the sample is so stacked in favor of the Dems that the product is just worthless.

"The survey shows Obama up 6 in Ohio and Florida and 11 in Pennsylvania. These are all bigger margins than Obama received when he won all three states in 2008 --  Florida (2.8%), Ohio (4.7%). Pennsylvania(10%).  

It seems unlikely that Obama would be doing better in these states than he did 4 years ago. "

We agree with Richard.   Does anybody really think that Pres BO will do better in Ohio, Florida or Pennsylvania.  The answer is NO.

Here is my suggestion:  Don't look at any polls but Gallup or Rasmussen.  They are the only ones with realistic samples.

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