"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Let's hope that it's Pres Romney next year. Let's also hope that a Pres Romney understands 3 things about Latin America.
First, there is great danger in the potential association of drug cartels and terrorist groups. This is a potential threat to our cities and our people. We need to support Mexico and smaller Central Americans in their fight with the cartels. Second, we need a quick presidential visit to countries like Colombia and Chile, a couple of strong allies in South America. Third, we need more trade with Latin America. It will create jobs up here and down there. It is beneficial to both sides!
Click here for our Tuesday show with Fausta Wertz:
Tags:Gov Romney needs to say 3 things about US-Latin America relations To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
The GOP convention is finally here and Romney-Ryan are are doing quite well.
First, the race is a dead heat. At the same time, Pres BO is still under 50% or the danger zone for incumbents.
Second, Pres BO's "nuclear attack" on Gov Romney did not work. The Obama reelection campaign has spent 2 months trying to destroy Romney but it did not work. They've burned through a lot of cash and the polls did not change.
Third, picking Ryan has energized the base and forced the Dems to talk about issues, such as the deficit or Medicare.
The race is not over yet. There are still 70-plus days ahead. Nevertheless, it looks to me more and more that we will have a new president & vice-president.
Tags:Romney-Ryan is in a strong position on the first day of the GOP convention To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
The Rangers have the best record in the AL and are clicking just in time for the post season. They are scoring a ton of runs. David Murphy has been on fire for weeks and Adrian Beltre is torrid. Josh Hamilton is up to 107 rbi's!
The big baseball story is the LA-Boston trade. It was "a salary dump" for Boston. Frankly, I am not crazy about a team taking other people's overpaid under producers but that's what happens in modern baseball.
Click here for the Saturday show with David Busy & Jerome Bailey:
--------------------------- Tags:The Rangers and a few other baseball thoughts To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
We would rather report "good news" about the US economy. However, we can't because this is what we are reading on the front pages:
1) The CBO is warning about how the deficits are hurting any kind of recovery:
"The CBO also notes that if Congress doesn’t figure out a way to address the
impending “fiscal cliff” (budget cuts and the expiration of the Bush-era tax
cuts), the U.S. will enter a double-dip recession and unemployment will jump to
nine percent." (The Blaze)
Tags:Another week of bad economic numbers To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
"My favorite line from “Worthless” is: THE TRUTH IS NOT OPTIONAL.
However, young students are persuaded to obtain college degrees that do
not give them skills at real wealth production, as they are persuaded
to pursue the “interests” instead of obtaining something actually
In an environment in which the Internet and social medial
allows one readily to engage in boutique hobbies, we are in dire need of
people who can design and manufacture computers, iPods, DVD players… or
materially produce the energy to run them (e.g., petroleum engineers,
As a result, Americans are losing the ability to generate
real wealth for themselves, which damages or bottom-line/generantional
Gross Domestic Product and directs them into “crusader” careers that
steals the wealth from those of us who manage to actually get a worthy
We would recommend this book to a college student or someone thinking about his current educational situation.
Tags:A different way of looking at a college education To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Gov Perry made it clear today that Pres
BO's executive decree won't play in Texas:
"Gov. Rick Perry has told state agencies that the Obama administration's
new program allowing some illegal immigrants to avoid deportation is "a slap in
the face to the rule of law," and clarified that Texas' immigration policies
won't change.
In a
letter dated Aug. 16 that was addressed and sent Monday to all agency heads
individually, as well as to Attorney General Greg Abbott, Perry said he was seeking to "avoid any confusion on the
impact of the Obama administration's actions." He added that the federal policy
confers "absolutely no legal status whatsoever to any alien who
qualifies." (Perry)
Glad to
see Gov Perry stand up for the rule of law. He is right that Pres BO's
executive decree is a slap in the face of the rule of law.
everything is quiet and tranquil in Mexico after July's elections. The
opposition PRD has accepted results even if its Sr LO is still clinging to some
hope that a judge will invalidate the election.
new president won't take over until December 1st.
Let's hope that the new
presidents will get together and work on some
important issues affecting the US-Mexico relationship.
First, we
need to support Mexico's war against the cartels. Mexico needs weapons and we
should continue funding The Merida Plan started by Pres Bush in
Mexico & the US need to revive the "brasero" program that was so successful
in reducing illegal border crossings. Third,
Mexico needs to attract more investment.
Fourth, we
in the US have to cut back on our consumption of illegal drugs. The truth is
that we are funding the cartels with our billions of dollars in drug
Click here for our Tuesday show with Allan Wall:
Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio ------------------------------------------------------
Tags:The "dreamers", the rule of law & the aftermath of Mexico's electionTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
We saw Pres BO make an unexpected appearance before the White House press corps. He went before the press to satisfy demands that he was not talking to the media. The Newsweek article (and cover page) was also the talk of the town.
Why did Newsweek run this article? First, it is a great article. It is well written and makes a strong case against Pres BO & VP Biden. Second, I think that a lot of liberals & Dems are also getting worried with Obama. As Barry told us tonight, it's "showtime" and we will soon be in full campaign mode.
Click here for the Monday show with Barry Casselman:
Tags:Another weird day for Pres BO PLUS the conventions are just around the corner To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
"One can also see the new Republican Party in those Americans who
strongly identify with the tea party movement or are evangelical
Christians who came to prominence in the party over the past two
decades. There is even a group of Republicans who see a role for bigger
government — at least a bigger role than others in the party accept.
The Democratic coalition includes a large share of liberal, affluent and
mostly secular white voters but also a loyal cadre of African Americans
and Latinos who are more religious and more conservative on social
issues. The gap between them on social issues remains wide, but they are
generally united in advocating a significant role for government."
My guess is that this "divide" will get worse if Pres BO is reelected. It could be better with a Pres Romney because of the "honeymoon" that the new president gets. No matter what, we are a divided country and things could get very ugly.
Click here for the Sunday night show with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:
Tags:Pres BO has divided this country like no one has before To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
It was a very bad week for the Obama/Biden ticket.
Pres Obama can't seem to get out of that 44-46% rut. He's been stuck there for months. We know this: It's very hard for incumbents to get reelected when they are under 50%! VP Biden had an even worse week. He made another one of his famous "gaffes", or a reference to the GOP putting people back in chains. Rasmussen has a new poll and they won't like it at the Obama reelection office: Better Qualified To Serve As President? 42% Say Ryan, 40% Biden
Gov Romney's selection of Rep Paul has thrown a real curve to the Dems. They started out thinking that Ryan would make the GOP vulnerable on Medicare.
However, it's starting to look like the exact opposite. Ryan is really connecting with voters and has energized the GOP base. He sounds pretty good to independents, specially those concerned that we need more than "hope and change" to tackle our financial problems.
Tags:The Dems in "freak out mode" over Obama/Biden To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
We are currently borrowing 40 cents of every dollar spent by the US government. We are running a trillion dollar deficit at the federal level.
Guess who is buying our bonds to make those deficits possible? The answer is China. As we discussed on Friday's show, it may be time to issue tariffs on Chinese products to protect the US manufacturer. We believe in free trade but this is unfair trade, or the kind of economic relationship that hurts US small businesses. Last year, I was talking to as small businessman in Dallas who could not compete with China. They were undercutting his prices to such an extent that it was impossible to operate a business. We need to protect that small businessman not Chinese interests!
Click here for the Friday show with Dr Ileana Johnson:
Tags:More on the coming US-China collision To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
"They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they
value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants
to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big
banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street.
going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing
about stopping the practice of outsourcing….."
How in the world can VP Biden be allowed to make a statement like this? Where are the serious Dems? Is there a serious Dem who will stand up and tell Pres BO & VP Biden to cut this crap out? My guess is that the Obama administration must be reading some very bad internal polls......
Tags:Looking for a serious Democrat who will call on the Obama reelection campaign to get out of the gutter To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
So far, Pres BO's reelection is a combination of the following:
1) Promise something to everyone with a grievance OR use executive decrees to pander to groups;
2) Put Americans against each other, men vs women, black vs white, employer vs employee or class warfare;
3) Tell Americans that the GOP wants to throw their grandmother over the cliff, deport "abuela" back to Mexico, give "tax credits" to rich people and more and more.
To be honest, this is a strategy that won't work. I just don't think that Americans will buy into class warfare and this constant ethnic division.
At the same time, Pres BO may put enough of these voters to win a very narrow re-election. The problem is that he won't be able to govern. He won't have a mandate and very likely stuck with a GOP Congress and Senate.
Tags:Pres BO's reelection strategy will make it impossible for him to governTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Welcome to the Romney-Ryan ticket. I'm growing more and more comfortable with this ticket minute by minute.
Mitt Romney confirmed today that he understands the financial crisis facing the country, from unsustainable entitlements to a budget deficit that can not continue.
Romney wants a serious discussion of our financial crisis and no one does it better than Ryan.
The Dems will say that Ryan will put some new, and even radical ideas, on the table. My reaction to that is simple: We need new and radical ideas. We are facing a major financial crisis and "radical" ideas are in order.
Tags:Romney-Ryan, a ticket that will be a contrast to meaningless "hope & change" or "class warfare"To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
We spoke on Friday with Virginia Prodran. She is an attorney and a Tea Party activist. We spoke about Mrs Prodran about her Romanian roots and lessons of growing up in a totalitarian state. Mrs Prodran recalls how the communist state took God out of the culture & destroyed the economies. She also discussed the personality cult around the leaders.
Tags:Virginia Podran: A wonderful immigrant story To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Once again, the Obama administration is distancing itself from something or somebody.
The latest group about to get "thrown under the bus" is the PAC that put out the Soptic ad, i.e. the one blaming Gov Romney for Mrs Soptic's death.
Will this be the moment when Americans realize that Pres BO will do anything to get elected? I hope so.
Don't hold your breadth that the media will for hold the Obama reelection team accountable for this. Nevertheless, this ad really shows how desperate the Obama team must be!
Tags:The Obama reelection has a little explaining to do....To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
The Rangers are 65-45 after taking 2 of 3 in Boston. They are 5 and a half over Oakland and 6 and a half over the Angels. I'll take those standings after 110 games.
Let's remember a couple of items from baseball history.
How many of you remember the first night game at Wrigley? It happened 24 years ago and it was shown nationally over WGN. I remember the whole thing. I think that the Cubs lost the game. Also, the Yankees retired # 37 in 1970. It was Casey Stengel's number, or the manager who led the Yankees from 1947-60. They won the Series 9 times during his tenure. It was probably the most successful run in major leage history.
Tags:David Murphy's hot bat and a few baseball thoughts To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
First, it was the campaign to discredit Bain Capital. It did not really work because the polls did not react to the attacks. It was a dead heat a month ago and is is still today.
Second, Sen Reid accuses Gov Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. I guess that the new standard is that people should be forced to prove a negative.
Tags:The Obama reelection is really getting desperateTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
We've posted a couple of times about Sen Reid's worthless performance as Majority Leader. The US Senate has not passed a budget in 3 years and does not vote on anything of consequence.
Sen Reid has taken his pathetic act to a new level by going after Gov Romney. Sen Reid has simply accused Gov Romney of not paying taxes!
This is outrageous for these reasons:
1) How would Sen Reid know that? Who told him? Was it someone from the IRS?
2) It is wrong to accuse people of something this bizarre without some evidence or the willingness to disclose your source.
So what's going on? The Dems are still in distraction mode or doing everything possible to talk about something other than Pres BO's record.
It is despicable and we deserve better from the US Senate Majority Leader. However, we are talking about Harry Reid, perhaps the most incompetent man ever to hold that important office.
Richard Cohen is right. Reid should be criticized by every decent Dem for these tactics. However, don't hold your breath.
As we've posted before, I don't see same sex marriage as a major issue in 2012. Unfortunately, there are far bigger issues, from the defict to the economic decline to 100,000 troops in Afghanistan in a mission that gets more and more confusing every day.
Of course, marriage is between a man and a woman. However, I favor civil unions for those who want to live togethe in some formal way. Again, there are bigger issues pending and that's just the way it is.
Now, let's talk about the Chick-Fil-A episode, or another example of how the left in the US always makes a fool of itself.
It started when the CEO made a remark about traditional marriage on the radio. The reaction was insane, specially in Chicago where Mayor Emmanuel attacked the company and basically told them to leave the city.
Mayor Emmanuel had second thoughts when someone told him about the jobs that Chic-Fil-A has created in Chicago.
Later in the week, Americans flooded stores and almost wiped out inventories. The stores had their best sales days ever.
Tags:The "homosexual movement" shots itself in the lip this week To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Cruz's victory in Texas, as well as the success of Marco Rubio, put
Cuban-Americans on the front page of American politics. These wins also
give us an opportunity to craft a message to Hispanics -- a message
that emphasizes individual freedom, self-reliance, a skepticism of the
state, and the value of family in our culture.
hear it over and over again that Cuban-Americans are different. We are
often called the "other" Hispanics. The media calls us "reactionaries"
or "right-wingers" or makes fun of our disdain for communism.
fact, Cuban-Americans are the Hispanic group that best understands
freedom and liberty. We lost both under the banner of "change" and
another charlatan preaching "social justice" years ago.
As my mother said: "We saw this movie before, and it did not end well."
the late 1950s, Cuba was a prosperous island struggling with political
problems. Most Cubans wanted change in 1959, and they were seduced by
"the magic orator," or the guy who told everyone what he or she wanted
to hear. Like with Hitler in Germany, Castro's master plan did not
include pluralism or a society where dissent was tolerated.
"Change" led
to a brutal communist dictatorship that put one Cuban against another.
It put children against parents, especially after the state
started communist indoctrination programs in schools. It led to the
closing of religious schools and the expulsion of priests and nuns. The
state also closed newspapers and intentionally broke up families.
Class warfare became the language of the government, and employers were
demonized for not paying their fair share or doing their part. Private
medicine was replaced by something called "free health care for all,"
and the result was that things got worse, not better.
less than three years, Cuba was destroyed and turned into a prison. It
went from the lovely island that our parents grew up in to a place that
they didn't recognize. Some of us were lucky to escape, but others
were executed in brutal concentration camps that still exist today.
Cubans have great stories of freedom and standing up to communism.
There is the story of "Pedro Pan,"
or the largest exodus of children ever. In the 1960s, thousands of
Cuban parents put their Cuban children on planes to protect them from
communism. You can read about this in Dr. Carlos Eire's incredible
books: Waiting for snow in Havana & Learning to die in Miami.
We thank God every day for Father Walsh and those beautiful nuns who
welcomed the kids at the airport and became "our American mothers" until
our parents joined us later.
was a nightmare that most of our parents would rather forget, but they
know better than to allow us to do that. It also opened our eyes to
basic things, such as the rule of law and the importance of a
one of "the kids" who grew up in the U.S., I heard the Cuban story
daily in our home. I recall the stories of political prisons; my dad's
cousin spent fourteen years in one without a trial. I heard about the
repression of having the state run your life. It also gave me a firm
commitment to and love for the American way of life that my parents
found in the U.S.
we see an administration trying to divide one group against another.
Black versus white. Employer versus employee. We hear a leader lying
about health care and refusing to say that it is unsustainable.
This is why so many Cuban-Americans are opposed to Pres. BO wanting to transform the U.S. into something that the U.S. is not.
is why Cuban-Americans must be the ones who stand up to the lies from
the left.
We hope that Marco Rubio, and now Ted Cruz, will lead the way
and remind Hispanics that the beauty of the U.S. is still "life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
P.S. Speaking of communism, check out my chat with Dr Ileana Johnson, originally from Romania. She is my "anti-communist soul-mate" on the radio & author of "Echoes of communism", her story of growing up in a communist state. You may want to give a copy of Dr Johnson's book to your son or daughter going off to college:
Tags:Another Friday of confusing "jobs" information To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!