Monday, January 10, 2022

The jobs report spoiled the 'insurrection' show

(My new American Thinker post

"What a difference a day makes 24 little hours" or so goes that song. 

On Thursday, Jan. 6th, we heard about the insurrection. On Friday, January 7th, the mood was different when the jobs report hit the front pages.

This is from The Washington Examiner

Biden took office last January with the easiest job perhaps of any president in history. He inherited newly approved vaccines to deal with COVID, plus a full-blown recovery already well in progress from one of the most sudden and acute economic disasters in the nation's history. There was a V-shaped recovery going on. All Biden had to do was sit back and avoid interfering — just watch the job creation and take credit.

Furthermore, the media would have been happy to jump on the Biden train and give Team Biden the credit for saving the world from President Trump.

So why didn't President Biden put the country on auto-pilot and tell the passengers to enjoy the ride? I don't know the answer, but maybe he listened too much to Senator Bernie Sanders.

President Biden hit the ground running by going after the gas and oil industries, a couple of huge job creators and taxpayers. His actions caused the price of gasoline to go up at a time when cheap energy was the medicine that a recovering economy needed. Then he signed a huge spending program that kept a lot of people from working. And then came the inflation plus kowtowing to the arrogant teachers' unions who don't fear the Democrat party. And then the mandate battles they keep losing in the courts.

Who remembers the insurrection and the threat to democracy? Not many do except for VP Harris who compared Jan. 6th to Sept. 11 or Pearl Harbor.

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