As far as I can remember, the late Dr. Charles Krauthammer, author of the line “Bush Derangement Syndrome,” never added an amendment about First Lady Laura.
Well, Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well and it’s Melania’s turn to hear from the critics.
Check this one from Robin Rivhan, Fashion Critic, of the Washington Post:
First lady Melania Trump unveiled this year’s White House Christmas decorations in a gauzy video in which she strolls through the public rooms marveling at their holiday luster.She gingerly adjusts a single red rose in a lush floral swag draped over a mantelpiece and delicately sprinkles glittery faux snow on one of the many white-decorated trees.The theme this year is “The Spirit of America,” and the dominant color is wintry white with festive bursts of holiday red.It’s all quite lovely.So there’s that.For her tour, Mrs. Trump wears all white: a dress with a simple jewel neckline, white stiletto-heeled pumps and a white coat.The coat is draped over her shoulders as she strolls through the White House.The coat looks ridiculous.
Well, I am no fashion critic but elegance is elegance. The First Lady looked wonderfully elegant to me.
Beyond that, what’s the point of taking a shot at the First Lady? Did they ever say anything about previous First Ladies wore? I don’t remember.
Keep it up, Mrs. Trump. The decorations are lovely and you look great in your white, or frankly whatever color you wear, coat.
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