A post from August 2006:
"From the earliest days of his presidency, attending to his image as the indomitable “Father–Leader” of Iraq was among Saddam’s first obsessions.
Thousands of giant portraits staring down from city walls reminded Iraqis of his power.
On television, he was ubiquitous to the point of absurdity: in trenches with military men; meeting with Shi’iah imams; operating heavy machinery; berating his party underlings.
“The political reality behind all the photographs and appearances is the politics of fear,” wrote Kanan Makiya, under the pseudonym Samir al–Khalil, in Republic of Fear.
Saddam’s intimidation forced Iraqis to accept lies as truth.
In the early 1980s, he published a family tree that traced his ancestry to Mohammed’s daughter Fatima and son–in–law Ali, the founding father of the Shi’iah faith.
“This gesture … signified total contempt for the populace, large numbers of whom he knew would accept this proof of ancestry, largely because there was no longer a soul in the length and breadth of the country who could be heard if they were prepared to deny it,” wrote Makiya."
In short, Saddam will finally pay for all of his crimes. It should have happened years ago! Are we better off without Saddam Hussein? Yes we are. Israel is better off. Last but not least, Iraqis are better off!
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