A post from 2006:
"Mr. Hussein and six co-defendants are charged with ordering similar attacks in a 1988 military campaign to eliminate the Kurds from their mountainous redoubts in Iraq’s far northeast. Prosecutors allege that the campaign, which Mr. Hussein’s government code-named Anfal, after a Koranic phrase that refers to “the spoils of war,” killed at least 50,000 Kurds and destroyed some 2,000 villages."We heard this at the trial:
"Earlier, Adiba Oula Bayez described the Aug. 16, 1987 bombardment of her village of Balisan, saying warplanes dropped bombs that spread a smoke that smelled "like rotten apples."
"Then my daughter Narjis came to me, complaining about pain in her eyes, chest and stomach. When I got close to see what's wrong with her, she threw up all over me," Bayez, a mother of five, said. "When I took her in to wash her face ... all my other children were throwing up."
"Then my condition got bad, too. And that's when we realized that the weapon was poisonous and chemical," she said."
Of course, "everybody knows" that Saddam did not have WMDs!
Did anyone hear that from the Kurds?