Thursday, June 30, 2016

Illegal immigration and illegal immigrants with Michael Bargo, author

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Why didn’t President Obama meet Cuban dissident Dr. Biscet?

Back in 2007, then President Bush presented The Medal of Freedom in absentia to the Cuban human rights and democracy activist Oscar Elias Biscet. This week, he was able to place the award on Biscet’s shoulders.  
Good for President Bush!     
Where was President Obama?  Why didn’t President Obama give a minute of his time to Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet?
For the record, Dr Biscet is a human rights leader:
Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet is a physician, winner of numerous human rights awards, including the 2008 Presidential Medal of Freedom, and president of the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights, which peacefully promotes human rights and the rule of law in Cuba. In reprisal for his human rights activities, Dr. Biscet was sentenced to 25 years in prison and has been held in some of the harshest conditions experienced by any prisoners in Cuba, including in punishment cells and solitary confinement. This is Dr. Biscet’s second stint in prison. Biscet first ran afoul of the Castro regime in the 1990s, when he investigated Cuban abortion techniques — Cuba has by far the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere — and revealed that numerous infants had been killed after being delivered alive. The report was sent to Fidel Castro with un-official statistics and testimonies from mothers who described the infanticide. Biscet was arrested and served three years in a prison camp after publishing this article condemning abortion. Officially, Biscet was imprisoned for the crime of “disrespect.” After he was released in 2002, Biscet was again arrested, after only a month of freedom, during Cuba’s Black Spring.
Biscet’s prison cell is the stuff of a Victor Hugo nightmare: tiny, filthy, and shared with an almost uncontrollably violent cellmate. He has no windows and hasn’t seen sunlight in weeks. He’s afforded no medicines or toiletries. Other than a 2-hour visit from his wife every two months, he’s permitted no visitors, correspondence, or other reading materials. Currently, Dr. Biscet suffers from chronic gastritis, hypertension and recurring infections and is reportedly losing his eyesight; his poor health has been severely aggravated by unhygienic prison conditions and harsh treatment. At one point, Dr. Biscet was reported to have lost more than 60 pounds while in prison. Nonetheless, he inspires others with his repeated acts of defiance against his persecutors.
Recently, in a letter smuggled from his prison, entitled Civil Disobedience, Biscet urged all Cubans to continue to pray and fast until the government signs the international human rights treaties that have been established by the United Nations. Biscet wrote, “The people of Cuba have been suffering the scorn of a totalitarian tyranny, Communism, throughout four decades. Due to this inhumane treatment whereby the decorum of a people is violated, many Cubans are indignant and have risen up to pray and fast, beseeching the God of the Bible…we must expedite the achievement of these basic rights through civil disobedience and by putting into practice all methods to obtain our humanitarian aim.” Biscet pledged, “Here, in this dark jail where they force me to live, I will be resisting until the freedom of my people is obtained.”
Only this year, five years after his release from prison, was he allowed to travel to the United States.
Dr. Biscet is precisely the kind of human rights leader that President Obama, or any other U.S. president, should be embracing.    
Perhaps President Obama does not want to upset Raul Castro.    
Or maybe Dr. Biscet is politically incorrect: A Cuban black who opposes abortion and the opening to Cuba without demanding something from Castro.
Where is President Obama? He is talking to a lot of people but not a black Cuban human rights leader.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Dr Biscet and President Obama  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Latin America stories of the week with Fausta Rodriguez Wertz


Latin America stories of the week with Fausta Rodriguez Wertz 06/29 by Silvio Canto Jr | News Podcasts:

Guest: Fausta Rodriguez Wertz, the editor of Fausta's Blog......we look at the top US-Latin America stories of the week.........Brazil continues to deal with the challenges of the Olympics............and other stories of the week..........Cuba denies a visa to a US House delegation............the new and expanded Panama Canal is now ready for business.........peace in Colombia.............a new report that kidnappings are on the rise in Mexico........and the latest from other stories of the week..... 

Tags: Brazil and the Olympics, Cuba denies visa to US House members, Panama Canal update, peace in Colombia, kidnapping in Mexico To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

A good article by my friend Father James Wilcox

We remember Father James from St Catherine of Sienna.    I really loved his new article at North Texas Catholic:

"The structure of priestly formation in the seminary is often governed by the academic coursework needed to be completed each semester. That said, the daily schedule is always configured based on the times of prayer, especially the Holy Mass. Once the spiritual schedule is determined, the other parts of the day — classes, ministry, exercise, homework, chores — are slotted into their appropriate times. 
Perhaps for your own personal reflection, you may want to determine what in your life is demanding priority in your daily schedule. How can you maintain the needs and wants of family and work while making prayer time the priority each day?
Now that summer is upon us, the seminarians are each off to their various assignments, and they are working to arrange these days beginning with the spiritual life, ministry tasks, and other work as necessary. Many of our seminarians are in parish assignments where they are assisting with summer activities like Vacation Bible School, youth activities, and Bible studies. While serving during Mass at the altar, they are helping the young servers learn more about the Mass and how to be more engaged in the celebration. Our two newly-ordained transitional deacons are serving in parishes, where they are growing in the experience of preaching homilies.Some of our senior seminarians are serving in the Tribunal Office, where they are learning the process of a marriage case seeking an annulment. This will greatly aid in their ability to serve parishioners who unfortunately find themselves with this need. A group of seminarians are serving our community through their summer assignments at Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. They are experiencing the array of services offered through Catholic Charities, including the Street Outreach Services, which seeks to aid the homeless of Fort Worth. The opportunity to live the social teaching of the Catholic Church in a direct manner will aid these men as they serve those in great need.One of our seminarians, Pedro Martinez, was selected by Catholic Relief Services to spend part of the summer in Kenya to learn about the Church’s social teaching in action throughout the world. Pedro said, “The Kenya Catholic Relief Services (CRS) experience was awesome and powerful. CRS is doing wonderful work to help our brothers and sisters with many different projects: water sanitation, peace building, empowerment, schools, orphanages, etc. We are called to not be indifferent to the needs of all our human family.”Back home, the Fort Worth seminarians served all of Texas recently this summer as they provided much-needed assistance at the Steubenville Lone Star Conference for youth. This three-day conference with 3,500 attendees was a faith-filled weekend, and the seminarians were there to help all along the way. They served at the liturgies (Mass and Adoration), were members of the prayer team, helped with security, and even assisted at the bookstore. Their visible witness to the love of Christ was terrific.As we head to press, seminarians will serve at the Vocation Awareness Program (VAP), which is a weekend for young adults to discern God’s call to the priesthood or religious life. In addition, a great group will be hosting high school men for the Quo Vadis? retreat. This three-day retreat allows young men to explore the priesthood and seminary life. The seminarians are planning the activities: spiritual, athletic, contemplative, and discursive. Finally, late this summer a small group of seminarians will join the large group of Catholics from Fort Worth on the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Krakow with Bishop Olson. The seminarians will aid in small group discussions and will offer some reflections to the entire group at some of the pilgrimage sites.There appears to be much doing through the summer months for our seminarians. However, the emphasis is always on being. In each assignment, the men are working to be witnesses to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. They are striving to be instruments to bring people closer to God. They seek to be examples to young people seeking to know God’s will in their lives, especially as they discern priesthood and religious life. The doing is important, but it is only effective if the being is primary. These men seek to be men of Christ and, God willing, priests of Christ.Through all of these activities, the seminarians are diligent in focusing on their prayer life and on their relationship with Jesus Christ. It is in that relationship and in conversation with God that these men hear the Word of the Lord and are confirmed in their call to serve in the priesthood of Jesus Christ.Please continue to pray for our seminarians. Please pray for the new men who will enter seminary in August. Please pray for men to hear the call to priesthood. Please pray for women to hear the call to religious life. Let our lives be structured by prayer, and may God, our Father, bless us. "

Thank you Father James!    

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The Governor of Rio fears that Olympics could be a big failure

Anybody out there planning to go to the Olympics? This is not a good headline:
Rio de Janeiro’s acting governor warned Monday that the Olympic Games could be a “big failure,” because of budget shortfalls that threaten to compromise security and mobility during the games.
In an interview with Rio’s O Globo daily, Francisco Dornelles said the state is still awaiting a 2.9 billion Brazilian real ($860 million) payout from the federal government aimed at shoring up state coffers ahead of the Aug. 5-21 event. The funds were allocated last week but have not yet reached the state, and Dornelles warned that without them, police patrols may grind to a halt by the end of the week, for lack of gas money.
“How are people going to feel protected in a city without security,” Dornelles was quoted as asking.
“I’m optimistic about the games, but I have to show reality,” he said. “We can have a great Olympics, but if some steps aren’t taken, it can be a big failure.”
And this guy wants tourists to get on a plane and visit Rio?     
On top of everything, from a really juicy political crisis to the zika virus, the police are protesting against the late payment of salaries and a lack of equipment ranging from car fuel to toilet paper.
And these are the police officers that will provide security in Rio?    
It is a terrible shame that things have deteriorated like this. However, this is more than bad luck. Brazil probably wasn’t ready to do World Cup and Olympics in 2014 and 2016. Add to all of this the country’s penchant for corruption and toilet paper may be the last thing that we will have to worry about.
Finally, security is even more critical now than ever because of terrorism. We saw what happened at the Boston Marathon in 2013 where a couple of guys with bombs killed and injured many.   
It’s probably too late to pull the plug but a lot of people, and even some athletes, won’t go. It’s just too much of a risk for people to take. 
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Brazil and the Olympics  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The latest Supreme Court decisions & the GOP weeks before Cleveland with Chris Corbett

Tags: Immigration and the Supreme Court, The GOP going to Cleveland, Supreme Court and abortion To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Do state legislatures matter anymore?

In a year, Justice Anthony Kennedy has been the key vote in overturning state bans on marriage and now safety restrictions on abortion clinics. In other words, Justice Kennedy made same-sex marriage “legal” and found restrictions on abortion clinics “unconstitutional”.
This is odd because Congress never passed a law on abortion or same-sex marriage. What we call the “law of the land” is nothing more than an opinion written by a justice in 1973 and 2015.
Was this country founded to have people governed by justices who overturn the work of state legislatures? I don’t think so, and the 10th Amendment is there for all to read.
In both cases, Justice Kennedy threw out the work of state legislatures. Is that what he thinks of the people? What in the world does Justice Kennedy, or the other four automatic liberal votes, know about “undue process” on getting an abortion? Did they come to Texas and see what these restrictions are?  
So what is the point of having state legislatures? Why not just have the Supreme Court decide everything?   
The Texas abortion clinic rules was about protecting women rather than denying them their “right” to abortion. Dr. Manny Gonzales reacted to the ruling this way:
I never saw the Texas abortion law as a means to restrict services available to women or put limitations on a patient’s right to choose. 
I saw it as a way to ensure that quality standards were being met at the clinics and centers offering this complicated, delicate procedure. 
It seems to me that while we have no trouble in naming the various issues we face in health care, like medical errors, patient injury, lack of transparency and cost of care, every time we put a solution on the table to address a problem, it becomes poisoned by political correctness and marred by biased motivations.
The left is jumping in glee over Justice Kennedy, a Reagan appointment. However, I hope that everyone is sitting back and thinking about the country.
How can you govern a country when a Supreme Court justice reverses what people pass in state legislatures? How much longer before the people in those states say “we’re out of here” because this system does not respect or work for us?  
Last, but not least, it’s time for a governor to say “enough”. I hope that Governor Greg Abbott will say “no” and refuse to obey Justice Kennedy’s opinion. It’s about time that someone reminded the Supreme Court that their opinions are not “the law of the land”.  
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Supreme Court and abortion again  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Monday, June 27, 2016

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Tags: Immigration and the Supreme Court, Trump vs Clinton polls, UK and the EU vote, Supreme Court on abortio, GOP convention July To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Cuba open to all Americans except for…

We’ve been hearing a great deal about how opening Cuba will bring in Americans with their dollars and democratic ways. Well, not all Americans are welcomed by the Castro regime, as The Hill reports:
“At a time when the Obama Administration is rolling out the red carpet for Havana, the Cuban government refuses to be open and transparent with the peoples’ Representatives,” McCaul said in a statement on Friday. 
“Sadly, it appears to be easier for Cubans to come to the United States than for Members of the House Homeland Security Committee to get to Cuba.” 
Other lawmakers who were planning to visit Cuba include Reps. John Katko (R-N.Y.), Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and Henry Cuellar (D-Texas).
“The Administration is eager to have as many people as possible visit Cuba — except for those who are attempting to examine Cuban security infrastructure,” said Katko, chairman of the transportation security subcommittee. 
“We still don’t know if Cuba has the adequate body scanners and explosive detection systems in place, whether it has the technology to screen for fraudulent passports or ID, whether or how aviation workers are screened, and if Federal Air Marshals will be allowed to fly missions to Cuba on commercial flights.”
There are a couple of problems here.
First, how can U.S. commercial jets fly to and from Cuba without a full security checkup? Don’t we do this in every country? Do we want to expose U.S. citizens to terrorism or worse?
Second, this is a huge embarassment for the Obama administration, i.e. “in your face Obama”. The Cuban government is rejecting an official delegation from the U.S.
It simply confirms that the more you embrace dictators the less they respect you.
President Obama should order a stop to all flights to and from Cuba until there is a security clearance. It’s time for President Obama to stand up to something other than just conceding on every issue with the Cuban dictatorship.
Of course, we are talking about the same president who lets Russian MiGs fly 50 feet over our ships without consequence.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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The UK vote about the EU

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Obama left a lot of DREAMers with nightmares outside the Supreme Court

As I’ve mentioned before in these pages, I support a limited plan to legalize those who were brought here by their parents.  My plan would legalize those young people who are doing well in school and staying out of trouble, who may even want to serve in the U.S. military.
It would not be a path to citizenship or amnesty.
It would simply legalize young people brought here by their parents.  My plan would not legalize their parents or every other relative.
This week, President Obama left a bunch of these “DREAMers” crying outside the Supreme Court.
So why was this case in the Supreme Court, anyway?
First, President Obama, with Democrat majorities, did not legislate the problem.  They promised but did not deliver on immigration reform.
Second, and worse, an angry President Obama reacted to the 2014 election (and the loss of the U.S. Senate) by waving the pen and signing an executive order legalizing millions.   
It was arrogance of the worst kind.  It’s the kind of “presidencialismo” (presidential-ism) that has done so much harm to Latin America, from Perón in Argentina to Chávez in Venezuela to Mexican presidents who went around the legislature over and over again.
President Obama could have sat down with Congress and resolved this issue of the young DREAMers.  I think there are enough GOP representatives and U.S. senators willing to resolve the legalization of youngsters who were brought here years ago.  Again, we are talking about young people who are in many cases performing well in our schools and plan to attend our universities.  Are we really going to punish these youngsters because their parents walked into the country illegally?
We should add that the Supreme Court has stopped President Obama before, as the WSJ reported:
The one-sentence ruling was the latest defeat for Mr. Obama in the courts, which recently have stymied some of his administration’s top policy goals.
A federal judge in Wyoming on Tuesday blocked a rule setting stricter standards for hydraulic fracturing on public lands. And in February, the Supreme Court suspended the Obama administration’s cornerstone climate-change regulation limiting carbon emissions from power plants while litigation proceeds.
The DREAMers are now under the bus and will likely stay there for a long time.  They should blame President Obama.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Brazil before the Olympics and other stories from Latin America

Tags: Iran in Latin America, Brazil before the Olympics To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

A look at the GOP a month before the convention in Cleveland

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The latest in Trump vs Clinton & the aftermath of Orlando with Richard Baehr

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A look at the Trump campaign with Rick Moran of American Thinker & PJ Media

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Venezuela with Jose Alberto Niño

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Will Spain be next?

A few years ago, I was talking to a Spanish friend from Madrid who exports to the U.S. He complained then about the “euro”. He said that the euro was killing Spanish exports or making them more expensive in the U.S.   
He longed for the days when Spain had its own currency (“la peseta”) and could manage its own economy.
Wonder what he is thinking today? My guess is that he is happy with the UK vote.    
My sense is that the EU has been good to Germany but not to those smaller countries who depend on trade or tourists, such as Spain.  
Exports to the U.S. are a major portion of the Spanish economy:
Exports from Spain amounted to US$283.3 billion in 2015, down by -5% since 2011 and down -11.1% from 2014 to 2015. 
Spain’s top 10 exports accounted for 57% of the overall value of its global shipments.
Based on statistics from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database, Spain’s total Gross Domestic Product amounted to $1.636 trillion in 2015.
Therefore, exports accounted for about 17.3% of total Spanish economic output.
My friend wold argue that the “euro” is the reason that exports to the U.S. are down.    
He is not alone, as we can see in this 2015 BBC report that I read  last year:
As Spain emerged, under-developed and economically weak, from the isolation of the Franco dictatorship, the EU was seen as its benevolent benefactor.
Now, six years into an economic crisis which has left 27% of the population unemployed, it is viewed as the belligerent bully which is forcing Spain to its knees with austerity measures.
Since 2007, Spanish approval of the EU has almost halved.
It’s fair to say that the benefits of the EU were oversold to a Spanish nation yearning for modernity a decade ago.
During the Franco years, the trains ran on time and the streets were extremely safe. At the same time, he isolated Spain from globalism and progress.
Will Spain be next? Time will tell but don’t be surprised if it does. The Brits have a lit a fire and it will spread quickly.  
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Friday, June 24, 2016

House Democrats behaving like Latin American lefties

Some of us have seen this movie before.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen news reports from Latin America of left-wing legislators, or the interest groups that they support, chanting and going out of control when they don’t get their way.    
Recently, the teachers’ union in Mexico blocked the entrances to the Mexico City airport or last week a confrontation with authorities followed their attempts to close the heavily used highway to Puebla.
Let’s add some members of the U.S. House to that list of legislators or activists who want their way even it means stepping on other people’s rights.
The House Democrats, many literally sitting on the floor, want a vote on gun control. Unfortunately for them, the majority in the House, or the people elected by voters across the country, would rather take up other issues.    
We call it democracy. In other words, the majority party sets the calendar. Just ask the GOP senators who wanted then-Majority Leader Reid to bring ObamaCare to a vote on the floor.
Incredibly, Rep. John Lewis is connecting this sit-in with his illustrious past civil rights experience:
“Today we made progress. We have come a distance,” declared Lewis.
Lewis said he had to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge “three times” before he had completed the march to Selma, Ala. The Georgia Democrat suggested this was the first step on firearms.
“We have other bridges to cross. And when we come back in July, we start it all over again,” intoned Lewis.
At the same time, the hypocrisy of these Democrats is incredible given their silence about the shootings in Chicago.  
Why don’t they get on a plane and block the street corners in Chicago where this violence is happening every weekend?    
Why don’t they visit the churches and instituions of Chciago and call for an end to the mindless shooting?   
Why not back the Chicago police that have to go into these areas every night?   
Why not call on black leaders to have a frank discussion of the root causes of black on black crime in our cities? After all, Chicago already has a lot of gun laws.
The House Democrats are engaged in the worst type of grandstanding. We need dissent, but this is not dissent. This is chaos that threatens our rule of law.
Shame on Democrats. I never thought that we would ever see this in the U.S.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: House Democrats out of control  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

An update about Venezuela with Jorge Alberto Nino and the UK vote with Michael Prada


An update about the situation in Venezuela 06/23 by Silvio Canto Jr | News Podcasts:

Guests: Jose Alberto Nino, contributor to Pan Am Post, joins me for a look at Venezuela.....the situation is going from bad to shortages and riots........Michael Prada will give us a report about the vote in the UK..........and other stories of the week........

Tags: Chaos in Venezuela, the UK vote on leaving EU To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Why didn’t President Obama & Democrat majorities pass gun control laws?

For some time, I have argued that the Democrats are not serious about immigration reform, climate change, or now gun control.
Why do I say that? Because they never act on those proposals when they have the votes to do so.
Why didn’t President Obama propose a gun control act when he had 60 votes in the U.S. Senate in 2009-10?   
The U.S. Senate is now talking gun control again. We hear that the U.S. Senate is dysfunctional because it won’t come together to pass gun control. Dysfunctional? How about rational? Why should we pass laws for the sake of passing laws that won’t prevent shootings like the one in Orlando?   
We should slow down a bit and consider our constitutional rights, as David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman wrote:
Those agitating for firearms restrictions now should understand that the precedent they set is a dangerous one that extends far beyond the realm of the Second Amendment. 
If the government’s say-so is sufficient to block a gun sale — thereby abridging a right enumerated in the Constitution, with little or no ability for redress — what right wouldn’t be at risk of arbitrary deprivation, particularly among the powerless?
In other words, we should focus on killing terrorists over there and leave law-abiding citizens alone. These proposals will not stop a single future shooting or terrorist attack. They won’t stop them for one simple reason: Criminals or terrorists do not obey laws. Just check out the crime wave in Chicago.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Gun conrol and Democrats To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Brazil before the Olympics, Puerto Rico & Iran in Latin America with Fausta Rodriguez Wertz.

Tags: Iran in Latin America, Brazil and the Olympics, a terrorist is missing in Uruguay To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

From ‘expletive deleted’ to ‘ISIS deleted’

Some of us are old enough to remember the phrase “expletive deleted“. It happened when the Nixon administration deleted some of  the “R” rated language from the frank exchanges between the president and his advisers.      
We got the Obama version of redacted transcripts on Monday. It was an effort to delete information that connected the Orlando terrorist to ISIS terrorism. The Obama administration has been on a mission since Benghazi to disconnect Islamic terrorism from any attack against Americans, from the consulate in Libya to San Bernardino and now Orlando.  
President Obama wants you to think that these events were inspired by a video, workplace violence or just an attack against people on Latino night at the Pulse.    
The New York Post makes a good point this morning in their editorial:
Four years ago, Team Obama made then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice tour all the Sunday shows to blame the deadly Benghazi attack on an internet video, rather than on the terrorist plot they all knew it was. 
She looked a fool once the administration finally admitted the truth, just as Loretta Lynch does now.
It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?
The real question is why is the Obama administration so eager to disconnect terrorists from terrorism? President Obama told us that he had ended the wars and referred to ISIS as the JV team. Most of all, talking about terrorism or sending troops to Iraq is the last thing that Obama’s voters expected in year eight of his presidency.    
Nixon was deleting bad language. Obama wants to delete reality!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Obama administration deletes portions of transcripts  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A look at the Trump campaign with Rick Moran of American Thinker and PJ Media

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Hey, Bernie voters: Check out Venezuela

Cheers for Vin Scully, the legendary voice of the Dodgers.  He’s called a lot of games and big moments over the years. His comments about socialism earned an A+ in the Truth Hall of Fame:
“Socialism, failing to work as it always does. This time in Venezuela. You talk about giving everybody something free and all of a sudden, there’s no food to eat. And who do you think is the richest person in Venezuela? The daughter of Hugo Chavez. Hello.”
Down in Venezuela, the situation has reached “failed state” status.  What do you call a state where soldiers have to protect bakeries so that people don’t steal flour or bread?  It is horrific, as we see in this report from The New York Times:
With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.
Venezuela is convulsing from hunger.
I visited Venezuela a couple of times before Chavez.  A nation “convulsing from hunger” is not what I found.   
On the contrary, it was a happy country, full of well-stocked stores and some of the finest restaurants in the world.  To be fair, it was not a perfect country, from too much dependence on oil and too many imported goods.  Again, there was no hunger or shortage of anything.
Cuba went through a period like this in the 1960s.  Unlike Venezuela today, Castro had a USSR willing to pay the bills as long as he served as a spokesman for socialism in the Third World and sent troops to fight wars in Africa.    
Here is the bottom line:  Millions of US citizens voted for Senator Sanders, a man who would love to turn the US into that place where the government gives you this and that, paid for by the rich.    
I am not going to say that every Sanders voter was voting for socialism, but a lot of them did by accepting the idea that government would provide you health care and tuition.  How is that working out in Venezuela?   Frankly, how is “free stuff” working out anywhere else?
Here is an idea:  Every young person in college should listen to that quick audio from Vince Scully.  Better than, they should go down to Caracas for a few months and see what Sanders had in mind.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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