"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Sunday, December 28, 1980
We remember "super glove man" Aurelio Rodríguez (1947-2000)
Thursday, December 25, 1980
We remember Rod Sterling (1924-1975)

Most of us grew up watching "The Twilight Zone", one of my all-time favorite TV shows.
Tuesday, December 23, 1980
We remember Tim Hardin (1941-80)

His songs include "Reason to believe", recorded by Rod Stewart and The Carpenters, and "If I were a carpenter", a big hit for Bobby Darin and recorded by many others.
1860-64: Christmas and President Lincoln
“In 1860, as President-elect, Lincoln received callers such as Thurlow Weed in Springfield, Illinois, and dealt with Cabinet issues. He was especially concerned that federal forts had been taken in the South.On December 20 he received the stunning news that South Carolina had seceded from the Union.In 1861 President Lincoln was deeply involved in Civil War problems such as the Trent affair, but found time on December 22 to attend services at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church.On Christmas morning he held an important Cabinet meeting, but was able to entertain a large number of dinner guests by evening.In 1862 President Lincoln again was absorbed with military matters and was preparing the final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation.On December 23 he wrote to Fanny McCullough, whose father had been killed in action and had been a long-time friend of his. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln visited Washington hospitals on Christmas Day.In 1863 President Lincoln reassured the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society he had no intention of retracting the Emancipation Proclamation.On Christmas Day he discussed the constitutionality of the draft with John Hay, one of his private secretaries.In 1864 President Lincoln received the following dispatch from General Sherman, who had captured Savannah, Georgia:“I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with 150 heavy guns & plenty of ammunition & also about 25000 bales of cotton.”On December 26 Lincoln gave a Christmas reception at the White House.”
Friday, December 19, 1980
We remember Walt "No neck" Williams (1943-2016)
We remember Walt Williams who was born on this day in 1943. He died in 2016.
In the early 1970s, it was a treat to watch the Chicago White Sox play the Milwaukee Brewers at the old County Stadium.
During that time, the White Sox had a stocky outfielder (5'6" & 165 lbs) with one of the greatest nicknames in baseball, or "No neck" Williams. His wife said that he got the nickname in his first year of baseball.
"No neck" played for several years with Chicago, Cleveland and New York Yankees. His best season was 1969 when he hit .304 with 133 hits. Overall, he retired with a very respectable .270 career batting average.
Walt "No neck" Williams. I loved the nickname and very aggressive style on the field.
We remember Tony Taylor (1935-2020)

Wednesday, December 17, 1980
We remember William Safire (1929-2009)

Safire was associated with President Nixon, including the famous "Kitchen debate" from 1959. Later, he wrote several books and a column.
His books were great.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
Tuesday, December 16, 1980
1773: A little Tea Party history
Once upon a time, colonists threw tea into the water of Boston harbor.
Our own "tea party" these days is also based on taxation and the sense that the government is out of touch with the governed.
Thursday, December 11, 1980
1951: Joe DiMaggio retired from baseball
He began with the Yankees in 1936 when he was 21. We remember him for the 56-game hitting streak and a .325 career batting average.
He also played in 10 World Series, including 4 in a row (1936-39) and won the MVP 3 times. (1939, 1941 & 1947).
Was he the best? Let's say that he was one of the best!
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
Monday, December 08, 1980
World War II right after the attack on Pearl Harbor with Barry Jacobsen
Click to listen:
Wednesday, November 05, 1980
November 1980: Reagan elected

The last minute polls were calling for a close race. It was confusing, to say the least.
Around 7 pm, the Eastern results came in and Carter looked weak.
By 9 pm, the Southern results started projecting a Reagan victory.
By 11 pm, the Western results made it a landslide.
Some things don't get old. Instead, they get better with age. Reagan's 1980 landslide victory is one of those things.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
Thursday, October 16, 1980
1980: KC Royals finally beat the Yankees

The 1976 and 1977 series saw New York win in the bottom of the 9th (Chris Chambliss walk off HR) and a top of the 9th rally in Kansas City. They were crushing defeats for the Royals.
The Yankees won the 1978 series in 4 games.
Finally, the Royals won in 1980 sweeping the Yankees. George Brett's HR off of Goose Gossage clinched it.
And KC finally beat New York!
Friday, October 10, 1980
October 1968 and Bob Gibson

Back in October 1968, I ran home with my little transistor radio hoping to catch Game 1 of the World Series on TV. I knew that my mother would have the game on TV, so my objective was to get home.
I ran faster and faster when I heard that Gibson was pitching a shutout and about to set a post-season record for strikeouts. Well, I did not make it home, but I did hear strikeout #17 on the radio and caught the post-game interview.
It was arguably the greatest pitching performance of the 20th century because he was facing a Detroit lineup that included Al Kaline, Norm Cash, Willie Horton, Bill Freehan, and Jim Northrup. The 1968 A.L. champion Tigers were a great team. It's hard to believe that anyone could strike out 17 against a lineup like that. He was as dominating as any pitcher in one game.
The amazing Bob Gibson died this week in 2020. He was 84 and fighting cancer.
Over the years, Gibson won 251 games with a 2.91 ERA. He also threw 56 shutouts! Add 255 complete games plus winning Game 7 in 1964 versus New York and 1967 versus Boston!
In the aforementioned season of 1968, he won 22 games, pitched 28 complete games and 13 shutouts. His ERA was a super-human 1.12!
I did not make a typing mistake. It was indeed 1.12 over 304 innings.
Gibson added a no-hitter in 1971 and was inducted to the Hall of Fame in 1981.
He was absolutely awesome and died shortly after Lou Brock, his teammate from those Cardinals who won three N.L. pennants in five years, passed away. Sad month for Cardinal nation.
Never saw him in person but lots of times on TV. As I told my late father one day, I would have Bob Gibson on the mound if my life depended on one pitch.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.
Thursday, October 09, 1980
"Julia" and more John Lennon memories!
Half of what I say is meaninglessBut I say it just to reach you, JuliaJulia, Julia, oceanchild, calls meSo I sing a song of love, JuliaJulia, seashell eyes, windy smile, calls meSo I sing a song of love, JuliaHer hair of floating sky is shimmering,glimmering In the sunJulia, Julia, morning moon, touch meSo I sing a song of love, JuliaWhen I cannot sing my heartI can only speak my mind, JuliaJulia, sleeping sand, silent cloud, touch meSo I sing a song of love, JuliaHum hum hum hum... calls meSo I sing a song of love for Julia, Julia, Julia"
Monday, September 22, 1980
1980: The Iran-Iraq War this week

Iran and Iraq went to war this week in 1980. It was a horrible war that went on for almost 8 years.
Sadly, population centers in both countries were devastated and Iraq employed chemical weapons, such the blister agent mustard gas from 1983 and the nerve gas Tabun from 1985.
Later, Iraq attacked the Kurds to the north.
So Iraq used chemical weapons in that war? I thought that he didn't have them!
Wednesday, September 03, 1980
2014: The story of "Pedro Pan" with Victor Triay, Cuban American author
The story of "Pedro Pan" with Victor Triay, Cuban American author....Listen in now at http://t.co/y9bZehxPWK. #BlogTalkRadio
— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) September 12, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 1980
Race before it went woke
"I have a dream....that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today."
We remember it today as the "I Have a Dream" speech delivered before 250,000 people at the March on Washington.
Our family landed in the U.S. in the fall of 1964. I can still remember my late father speaking in glowing terms about how the U.S. corrected its mistakes and brought everyone into the fold. He would say something like "what other in the country has done anything like that?"
That was then, and this is now. Have we made progress on race relations? The easy answer is 'yes' but there is something in the air today that makes me wonder.
Brown University has expanded eligibility for a teacher training class after initially restricting enrollment exclusively to racial and ethnic minorities.
The "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction" teacher training course at the Rhode Island-based Ivy League school had initially been restricted to "BIPOC" students. BIPOC is an acronym for black, indigenous, and people of color.
Translation: Whites can apply.
A former American Express employee on Tuesday sued the credit card company, alleging that he was fired because he is white and objected to the company's "racially discriminatory" policies, Fox Business reports.
Brian Netzel, who lost his job in 2020 after 10 years at American Express, filed a class-action complaint against the credit card giant. He said he and other white employees faced discrimination because of the company's "diversity" efforts.
American Express poured billions of dollars into "antiracism" policies in the aftermath of George Floyd's death in 2020. Earlier this month, the company pledged to devote an additional $3 billion to a "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan."
According to Netzel's lawsuit, American Express's implementation of these "antiracism" policies "gave preferential treatment to individuals for being black and unambiguously signaled to white employees that their race was an impediment to getting ahead in the company."
Executives were given monetary incentives to "decrease the percentage of white employees in their departments."
Where are we so many years since Dr. King told us to focus on character rather than race? We are focusing too much on race and that is wrong and poisonous.
Tuesday, August 26, 1980
1939: The first baseball game on TV

Tuesday, August 12, 1980
We remember Alexei Nikolaevich (1904-18)

A few years ago, I caught "Nicholas and Alexandria" again. It's a great film about this family and Russian history.
Wednesday, July 02, 1980
July 1963: The day Marichal and Spahn took the work ethic to a higher level

At slightly past eight o’clock, Marichal took the Candlestick Park mound.Four hours and 15 innings later, he was still toiling there.And so was Warren Spahn–in a scoreless pitching duel.The Braves had mounted a serious scoring threat in the top of the fourth inning. Marichal disposed of the first two batters before trouble arose.The right-hander walked Norm Larker, and Mack “The Knife” Jones followed with a single to left, moving Larker to second.Del Crandall hit a soft single to center that Willie Mays caught, then lasered to the plate to nail Larker trying to score. It had been a charmed half-inning for the Dominican pitcher.Henry Aaron led off the frame with a drive to deep left field that Marichal said, the next day, he thought was gone. Willie McCovey hauled the ball in a few feet from the fence, as Candlestick Point’s strong westerly winds knocked it down.McCovey nearly ended the game in the bottom of the ninth. The Giants’ left fielder smoked a pitch deep to right field, just missing a home run–or so said the first base umpire. Local beat writer Curly Grieve expanded: “McCovey was so enraged when Chris Pelekoudas called the blast a foul that momentarily it appeared he would push the arbiter around the outfield and wind up ejected in the clubhouse. McCovey, [manager] Alvin Dark and [first base coach] Larry Jansen surrounded Pelekoudas, claiming the ball left Candlestick fair. Pelekoudas stuck to his call, which took courage.”“I followed the ball all the way out but evidently the umpire didn’t. It was at least three feet fair when it left the park. I think the umpire was watching where it landed and made his call on that. As hard as I hit the ball it didn’t have a chance to curve before leaving the ball park,” McCovey said after the game.3 When he stepped back into the batter’s box, a miffed McCovey grounded out to first base, with Spahn covering. After a two-out single by Felipe Alou, Orlando Cepeda popped up to third base, and the scoreless game moved into extra innings.With two outs in the top of the 13th, Braves’ second baseman Frank Bolling singled off Marichal, ending a string of 16 batters in a row retired by the Giants’ workhorse since a walk to Aaron in the eighth. Bolling was left stranded by the next hitter, Aaron, who popped up to first baseman Cepeda in foul ground.Marichal was scheduled to bat third that inning. Cepeda later recalled the moment in a 1998 memoir. Manager Alvin Dark asked Marichal if he had had enough. Cepeda remembered Marichal barking at Dark, “A 42-year-old man is still pitching. I can’t come out!” Dark accepted — or was startled into acceptance by Marichal’s ardor — and let him bat. Marichal flied out to complete the inning, and the game pushed forward.The Giants made a strong bid to get Marichal a win in the lower half of the 14th. With two outs, they loaded the bases on a double, walk and error by Denis Menke, in at third base for Eddie Mathews. But Spahn then coolly retired Giants’ catcher Ed Bailey on a fly to center, ending the inning and extending the deadlock.Marichal went back out for the 15th time and retired the side in order. Likewise, Spahn put the Giants down cleanly in the bottom of the frame. The pitchers had recorded 90 outs through 15 innings of gritty pitching, neither yielding a run.In the 16th, Marichal allowed a two-out single to Menke, and then registered his 48th out of the night on Larker’s comebacker to the mound. It was Marichal’s 227th pitch.When the Giants hit, Spahn retired Harvey Kuenn on a fly out. That brought up future Hall of Famer Mays, still hitless on the long night. Now, Mays drove Spahn’s first pitch through the teeth of the wind in left. The ball cleared the fence, and with that, a masterfully-pitched game dramatically ended. Marichal was the exhausted victor; Spahn, the valiantly defeated.“I’ve been around a long time and that’s the finest exhibition of throwing I’ve ever seen,” Henry Aaron assessed. “It may be 10 years or even 20 before you see another its equal.”Only once, in the more than half-century since, has one pitcher thrown as many innings in one major league baseball game as Marichal did that night against Spahn.After the game, Spahn’s teammates greeted their aged warrior–the last player to enter their clubhouse because of an interview session–with their own tribute.Quoting Spahn’s fellow starting pitcher Bob Sadowski, writer Jim Kaplan described it: “When Spahn arrived, everyone stood, applauded, and lined up to shake his hand. ‘If you didn’t have tears in your eyes, you weren’t nothing,'”Over the 16 innings, Marichal allowed eight hits and four walks and struck out 10. Spahn, who threw 201 pitches of his own, yielded nine hits, walked only one (intentionally), and fanned a pair. Both men made their next scheduled starts five days later, the Sunday before the All-Star Game. Spahn complained of a sore elbow, which apparently flared up enough to cause him to miss two starts later in the month, but he pitched through it to lead the 1963 National League with 22 complete games.
Tuesday, June 03, 1980
June 3, 1941: Joe DiMaggio extended the streak to 20...
June 3, 1941:
Joe DiMaggio extended the streak to 20.....went 1-for-4 against Dizzy Trout..........
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Thursday, May 01, 1980
Billboard: The Top 10 singles by Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones' top singles on Billboard over the years:
1, "Honky Tonk Women," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (4 weeks), Aug. 23, 1969
2, "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (4 weeks), July 10, 1965
3, "Start Me Up," The Rolling Stones, No. 2, Oct. 31, 1981
4, "Angie," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (1 week), Oct. 20, 1973
5, "Miss You," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (1 week), Aug. 5, 1978
6, "Brown Sugar," The Rolling Stones. No. 1 (2 weeks), May 29, 1971
7, "Paint It, Black," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (2 weeks), June 11, 1966
8, "Get Off of My Cloud," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (2 weeks), Nov. 6,
9, "Emotional Rescue," The Rolling Stones, No. 3, Sept. 6, 1980
10, "Ruby Tuesday," The Rolling Stones, No. 1 (1 week), March 4, 1967
You can find most of them in this great double album!
Friday, April 25, 1980
A word about April 25

On this day in 1980, President Carter addressed the nation to give us some very bad news. As the president explained, the operation intended to rescue the US diplomats held in Iran since November 1979, was called off due to technical problems. Regrettably, 8 US servicemen were killed when one of the departing helicopters collided with a AC-130 transport airplane on the ground. It was a terrible morning to say the least. Very bad morning.
Did you read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe published on this day in 1719? We understand that it was based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor lost off the coast of South America in the early 1700's.
Back in 1976, Rick Monday of the Chicago Cubs took his position in center field at the legendary Wrigley Field. He was playing catch with José Cardenal, his teammate. Rick saw a couple of guys trying to burn the U.S. flag; he ran and grabbed it before they could light the match. The two idiots were arrested, and Monday gave the flag to one of the security guards. And Monday saved the US flag!
We spoke with Leopoldo Lopez-Gil about Venezuela: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.
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April 1980: President Carter between Mariel and the failed Iran rescue mission