Most people have spoken with glowing words about Barbara Bush since her death in Houston. Why not? She was a nice lady, a historic woman who was married to a president and mother of another.
Nevertheless, there are people out there who have to use this death as an opportunity to get publicity and take a shot at the Bush family.
Enter Randa Jarrar, an English professor at Fresno State. She wrote this about Barbara Bush:
“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal,” Jarrar wrote on Twitter. “F— outta here with your nice words.”
Memo to the professor: a real war criminal would not tolerate a remark like this about his mother. At the very least, he would deport you and never allow a public university to have someone like you on the payroll. The professor “don’t know much about history” as Sam Cooke sang.
It’s tasteless but rather predictable. After all, she called Mrs. Bush a “racist” and her son a “war criminal.” Don’t these people have any other words in their vocabulary?
Someone should ask Democrats about this tweet. Am I the only one who thinks that she sounds like a House Democrat?
Another question: Where is Mark Zuckerberg when we really need him? I’ve seen a ton of very ugly comments about Mrs. Bush. Why isn’t the committee taking those down in the name of a clean community?
How about Twitter? Why aren’t comments like these deleted for being offensive?
It’s fair to disagree with President George W. Bush. However, these nasty attacks against Mrs. Bush confirm that the left is the ugly and angry side of the room.
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