Saturday, September 28, 2013

Force Senate Democrats to vote on Obamacare waivers

(My new American Thinker post)

Kentucky's Democrat Governor Beshear is out with his party's favorite talking point:   

"The Affordable Care Act was approved by Congress and sanctioned by the Supreme Court. It is the law of the land.   Get over it ... and get out of the way so I can help my people. Here in Kentucky, we cannot afford to waste another day or another life."

Law of the land?  It depends what you mean by that!  

Can we agree that a law should apply equally to all of us?  Sadly, this one does not! 

Where are the liberals complaining that there is a selective application of this law?

The AHCA (ObamaCare) has been modified and amended several times since it was "sanctioned" by Chief Justice Roberts.     Just recently, the law was "amended" again to so that members of Congress and other federal employees would get subsidies for their health care.  

Is that fair?  I don't think so.  At the very least, such a "waiver" should have passed by Congress, the legislative body the last time that I read the US Constitution.

Did the "law of the land" include that when it was presented to The Supreme Court?  No, it was added by executive decree, along with all of the waivers.

My plan is simple:  Force Democrats to vote "yes or no" on these waivers.  Put them on the record by voting.   Senate Democrats have been hiding from ObamaCare for too long.

A few days ago, I saw Eileen Toplansky's article on the pages of American Thinker:     
"It is mindboggling that so many people are totally unaware of ObamaCare, have no interest in discussing it, and are dismissive and rude if someone attempts to have a rational conversation about a law that will drastically change the landscape of this country."

Eileen is right.  We need more debate about this law because the people who voted for it do not understand it.  

P.S. You can hear my chat with Eileen Toplansky here


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