Monday, September 23, 2024

The problem in Springfield is a lack of common sense

The problem in Springfield is a lack of common sense: The Springfield, Ohio, story is just the latest example of opening the border and its consequences. How do you expect a city of 40,000 to absorb 20,000 new residents? You can't, and the local reaction is exactly logical. Again, put yourself in…..
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 The Springfield, Ohio, story is just the latest example of opening the border and its consequences. How do you expect a city of 40,000 to absorb 20,000 new residents? You can't, and the local reaction is exactly logical. Again, put yourself in their shoes and how would you react?

Senator Marco Rubio was on Face the Nationand explained this whole thing very well. Let's check out what he said:

I think one of the problems here is that somehow Americans who are not intolerant, they're not bigots, they're not --- but they are troubled by the fact that their city is being flooded. In Springfield, you see reports, these are legitimate reports of huge increases in traffic accidents leading to slower police response time, overcrowded schools. I mean the strain this puts on a community, and if you complain about it, somehow you're a bigot, you're a racist, you're a hater --

That is a story here that everyday Americans are being made to feel like they're haters because they're complaining about something al -- any of us would complain. If any of us, I don't care who we are, live in a city of 4,000 people, and you bring in 2,500 migrants overnight into one place, there are going to be problems there.

And that's right. As a legal immigrant and naturalized citizen, I understand how these people feel. Legal immigration is orderly for a reason. You must control how people come into the country, under what conditions and put them through common sense vetting.

So calling those folks in Springfield haters and bigots is totally unfair. Yet, it's what the other side does to avoid a real conversation about a problem created by them.

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