Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21, 1940: Future President Nixon married Patricia Ryan

On this day in 1940, future President Richard Nixon married future First Lady Patricia Ryan.  

Nixon entered politics in 1946 and won a congressional seat.   He quickly jumped to the US Senate in 1950.   

In 1952, General Eisenhower selected Senator Nixon to be his running mate.    As you probably know, the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket won big in 1952 and 1956.     

VP Nixon lost in 1960.   He came back to win in 1968 and was reelected in 1972.  (He carried 49 states and 61% of the popular vote.)    

Pat was with him all the way, from election night victory speeches to resignation in 1974.    

Mrs. Nixon died in 1993 and President Nixon in 1994.

"RN" is a wonderful presidential memoir.

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