Friday, May 24, 2024

Bonnie & Clyde: Many decades and people still interested

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In 1967, the “Bonnie and Clyde” movie introduced millions to the couple and their flawed story.
Around Dallas, there is a lot of interest about the anniversary, as recently reported by The Dallas Morning News:
“Seven miles down the road, two crooks died a long time ago.  
For most other criminals, that could have been the end of the story. But Bonnie and Clyde live on. In the imagination of the public, Hollywood, haunted descendants and here on Main Street in this tiny town about an hour east of Shreveport; the legacy of their two-year crime spree endures 80 years after their bloody deaths on May 23, 1934.  
It is here in this northern Louisiana town of 979 that the son of Ted Hinton, a Dallas County deputy who was in the posse that killed Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, has set up shop to tell the story of how the couple and their gang lived and died. His Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum shows how the two robbed banks and killed people, loved each other and died young.  
Boots Hinton, the son, was born not long before his father helped kill the two outlaws on State Highway 154, which remains remote today.
He said there are two big reasons people latch on to Bonnie and Clyde.  
“One, it’s a love story that would put Romeo and Juliet to shame,” he said.
“The other is guts and bullets — the blood.””
I just hope that people remember that Bonnie & Clyde were actually ruthless killers.  They shot and killed law enforcement officers, as well as innocent people or bystanders.   It’s hard to see anything romantic about that but the young couple still generates a lot of curiosity.
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