Thursday, December 26, 2019

2010: Remember when it was patriotic to march and call Pres Bush names?

This is a post from 2010.

We continue to watch the other side go into commotion over placards or criticisms of Pres BO.

A few years ago, Professor VD Hanson posted:
Five Lies We Live With
"I fear “civility” does not mean one should not write novels or produce movies contemplating murdering George Bush — that’s sort of an understandable agitprop art 
“Civility” does not mean the New York Times should not give discounts to run ads in wartime like “General Betray Us.”

That’s needed dissidence.

Civility does not suggest that a Sen. Durbin, or Sen. Kerry, or Sen. Kennedy not use inflammatory language that compares our own troops or personnel to terrorists, Nazis, Pol Pot, Stalinists, or Saddam Hussein’s torturers; that most certainly in not uncivil.

And it was certainly not impolite for Rep. Stark to call President Bush a “liar.”
That’s needed dissidence. 
Civility does not suggest that a Sen. Durbin, or Sen. Kerry, or Sen. Kennedy not use inflammatory language that compares our own troops or personnel to terrorists, Nazis, Pol Pot, Stalinists, or Saddam Hussein’s torturers; that most certainly in not uncivil.
And it was certainly not impolite for Rep. Stark to call President Bush a “liar.”

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