For some time, the left's favorite line is that Bush acted alone in Iraq.
Actually, he didn't.
There is a large coalition of countries in Iraq. Most of them do not actually fight.
In fact, the bulk of the fighting has been done by US and UK troops. Why? Because most of the coalition members do not have troops capable or prepared to fight a war.
What in the world is going on in Afghanistan? This is the Dems' favorite war. This is the one that we must win, according the Dems.
Who is going to call the allies and tell them to put troops on the battlefield.
So far, it is the US and the UK (sound familiar?). We should add that the Canadians are doing a great job and taking casualties.
Beyond the US, UK and Canada, everybody is sitting on the bench promoting the concept of multinational operations!
Does that make sense? It does not to the US voter, who is sick and tired of Europeans who talk a lot more than they are willing to fight.
"If NATO won’t fight in Afghanistan, where will they fight? As Russia grows in strength and confidence under Vladmir Putin, the former satellites of the old Soviet Union who are now NATO members may start to wonder if the countries of western Europe will confront that menace if a showdown were to come.
With western interests and credibility at stake in Afghanistan and member states failing to answer the call, it is a legitimate question whether NATO would fight in the Baltic states or even in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.'"
The West is not serious about fighting this terrible war. It's time for the allies to stand up or NATO will cease to be.